

For Rosie

Joe had never really been much into perfume - but it was amazing how a whiff of a particular scent could bring back a million memories and their associated thoughts and feelings.  It was over ten years since he had last seen his ex-girlfriend Kayleigh and he was now a married man - but as he walked through the perfume department of his local department store - he caught a scent that took him back instantly a decade.

He was here to buy a fifth anniversary wedding gift for his wife Rachel, but as he'd perused the counters he'd detected an illusive scent. It had taken him time to place it, but now he knew what it was and he felt the stirrings of memory and a rush of emotions.  It was the perfume that Kayleigh used to wear... it was the scent of temptation.

All at once he remembered Kayleigh's soft blonde hair,  her white creamy skin - those soft tempting lips and the feel of her warm body next to his as she arched in pleasure at his touch. The shop faded out as he was taken back in time to a moment of incredible pleasure.  He could almost feel his hands on his ex-girlfriends large firm breasts, and without even realising it he began to clench and unclench them. He remembered running a hand down to her perfect round ass, feeling it bounce back as he squeezed it possessively.  His heart began to beat faster and faster as a slutty giggling half-remembered voice purred in his ear.

Yessssss, fuck me.

Joe groaned as his dick got hard at the memory of Kayleigh's mischievous blue eyes and the feel of her yielding body opening up to him. Her voice had always been so powerful... she'd always been able to get him to do whatever she wanted with a little whisper.  That slight bitchy twang, that catch in her throat... the way she would whisper such dirty things into his ears.  In his memories, her hand was now on his cock - the perfectly manicured red nails guiding him in to her shaven slit as she pumped it slowly to get him hard.

That's it baby - put it in me... fuck my ass, my pussy, my mouth I WANT IT.  You need this baby.

Joe remembered the incredible feeling of penetration, the feeling of her impossibly tight pussy stretching to fit his cock.  Then her moans of pleasure as she slid her legs around him.  The smell of her perfume rose up around them - that perfect, feminine, floral smell.  That perfume that was unique to her.

Mmmmh, fuck me harder... 

Joe groaned... remembering how tight that nineteen year old pussy had clenched around his cock, how good it had felt to fuck Kayleigh.  He reached down, wanting to stroke his cock - to imagine it was Kayleigh's hand on his cock.

Yessss Joe, your soul is mine forever. You will never be free of me!  Now take ME!

He began to cum...

"Sir... sir are you okay?"

Joe became aware through a haze of erotic memories that he was standing in front of a counter with a demure young woman looking at him in concern.  In his pants he felt the embarrassing sticky wetness of a premature ejaculation. Meanwhile in his hand he was holding a small pink perfume bottle. Like some sort of zombie, he'd picked up the bottle and walked to the counter - all whilst reliving his erotic memories of Kayleigh.

He looked down at the bitchy pink bottle.

Eau D'ville.

Yes, that had been Kayleigh's scent.  He hadn't smelt it since she'd dumped him for a bigger, more exciting lover. That had been ten years ago, after it became obvious that his band weren't getting a record contract after all.  She'd moved away to become a model and fuck some other guy - and he'd ended up giving up his dreams of a career in music, marrying Rachel and becoming a data processor for a large company.

Shit... yes... Kayleigh.  She had been a wild bitch.  Spoiled, demanding, high maintenance... she had fucked like an Energiser bunny and cheated on him constantly.  She'd been a crazy party slut and was by far the hottest woman he had ever known.  Rachel sometimes felt like a compromise. He loved her... but he could never truly forget the power Kayleigh had had over him.  He would have been her slave forever if she'd asked it.

And now after all this time, here he was with a raging hard on remembering her scent and wishing he could still fuck her.

"Sir - that's a very rare bottle - do you wish to buy it?"

"Ummm, this?  My ex-girlfriend used to wear this I think," he stammered, knowing that at least no one could see his little accident through his jeans, but feeling unsettled and embarrassed none-the-less. 

"Oh - I doubt it sir," laughed the girl. "That's a collectors scent.  It costs $5000 for a single bottle alone. It's incredibly rare.  There were only a few ever made and I'm sure you wouldn't want to spend so much."

You need it.  Buy it... take the money from your savings if you have to.  Do it!  Spend the money on ME!

"I'll buy it," said Joe, surprising himself as much as the girl as he felt the ghost of Kayleigh whispering around his head. 

"Oh - okay then. Let me wrap that for you," she said surprised and slightly unnerved. 


Joe returned home with three scents. A very strong aftershave for himself, the bottle of Eau D'Ville and a cheap scent for his wife Rachel.

"Damn it, what's wrong with me?" he gasped looking down at the wrapped packages. "I just blew my entire savings account on this stupid perfume."

He couldn't say why he had wanted the scent so much... not consciously anyway.  It was just so... nice.  Nice to remember the smell of Kayleigh and remember all those naughty memories from the old days.

Nice to remember when you had a real woman to fuck?  

Opening his front door, he smiled as Rachel looked up from the kitchen counter where she was busy chopping onions.  She'd just got back from work herself and was still in her business attire - a smart pencil skirt and white blouse.  Rachel was homely and quite pretty.  She was two years older than Joe and they had a great relationship.

"Hi honey, you been shopping?"

"Yeah, but it's a surprise," he grinned winking at her and she grinned back, knowing it was their anniversary soon.

"Ooooh, I can't wait to see what you got me.  Anyway, I was just doing some quick prep as I have to go round to my Mom's," she sighed, "do you mind getting the rest of dinner ready?  I may be a few hours yet - she's having another one of her episodes and trying to throw all my Dad's stuff away."

Rachel's Mom was going senile and so far attempts to get her into assisted living weren't going so well.

"Sure - can I help at all?" Joe asked concerned.

"No, just get dinner on please, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Sure thing hun," he smiled, kissing her and stroking her soft brown hair.  "Ring me if you need anything."

Grabbing her car keys, Rachel blew him another kiss and left.

Placing his shopping down, Joe turned to start the dinner - then suddenly he caught a whiff of perfume from the bag on the counter.

You have more important things to do than the dinner...

Joe's cock began to twitch as he bent over the bag and breathed in more of the perfume.  Fuck, he hadn't felt this horny for weeks.  Reaching in he took the bottle and took another deep drag of the bottled scent.  

Yessssss, breathe it all in...

Ignoring dinner, half running upstairs, Joe lay on the double bed and ripping his pants off, began to desperately jerk off.  He began to pump his cock, trying to remember the images from before - but disappointingly, they didn't feel vivid enough anymore. It was like he needed a higher dose now of the perfume to get the same effect.  Unwrapping the bottle he sprayed the scent into the air and breathed deep.

Memories of soft flesh and tempting feminine whispers returned.  He began to relive his memories of Kayleigh and he felt his cock getting hard again. Yessssss, it felt so good.  The perfume was amazing... it was bringing back so many memories. His cock was rock-hard - this stuff was better than viagra!

Yessss Joe. Fuck me here on your wife's bed. 

Kayleigh's voice thrilled in his ears and he groaned in lust. That damn voice - he couldn't resist her.  But wait... this wasn't a memory was it? He hadn't been married to Rachel when he had gone out with Kayleigh.

Rachel is nothing compared to me.  It's me you want.  You want to fuck me again don't you Joe?  You wanna feel my hands on your cock, my mouth sucking your balls.  You want to be deep inside me again don't you?  

"Wh... what the fuck," gasped Joe as his cock suddenly pulsed and it felt like a phantom hand was stroking it. 

Shhhhh, don't try to fight these feelings.  The feelings only I can give you. The feeling of a hot nineteen year old sluts hands and mouth on your cock.  Remember how good it felt.  If only you HAD been married, you would have loved to cheat on your wife with a tight young slut like me right?

"Ooooooh fuck yes," gasped Joe as he fell back onto the bed and groaned in pleasure. His hand grabbed his dick and with the scent of the perfume in his nostrils, he began to pump and stroke his cock with enthusiastic glee.

Yessss, pump your cock Joe... your hand is my hand... your will is my will.  

Kayleigh's voice was right. It didn't feel like his hand anymore... it almost felt like Kayleigh's... it almost felt like she was there with him, pumping and sucking his dick.  Looking down through bleary eyes, he could see his hand going up and down. It looked different somehow... smaller, with long red nails.

"Wh...what the fuck."

Shhhhh Joe, just focus on the pleasure. Breathe more perfume.

The scent filled his nostrils and with a groaning gasp Joe began to cum... and it was the best orgasm he had, had for years.  Cum blasted out of his cock and he groaned, in physical and mental rapture as his cock throbbed and sticky cum landed all over his chest. 

"Oh... oh fuck that felt good."

Yesss, it feels good to breathe the scent, to listen to the whispers. Good boy... this is only the beginning. Now let's start again...


Every married couple have occasional spats.  Rachel and Joe rarely argued, but tonight there had been a blazing row.

Rachel still didn't understand why the dinner hadn't been made when she got back from her Mom's. Joe had given her some flimsy excuse of realising he'd left something at the office and had to go back - but her suspicion was that he had never left the house.

Why he had lied to her, and what he had been doing for nearly two hours whilst she argued and fought with her Mom - she didn't know.

Rachel wrinkled her nose at the strange overpowering smell of the cologne her husband seemed to have splashed all over himself and the bedroom.  It was weird - almost like he was trying to cover up another smell.  What the fuck was he up to?

"Good night," she said coldly and turning away from him switched off her light.

Joe sighed.

He had masturbated six times already that evening and his dick and balls were drained.  He'd been unable to stop himself inhaling more of the perfume, listening to Kayleigh's phantom voice.  He had been unable to stop jerking off because it felt so fucking good.  Now his wife was in a foul mood.

Who cares what that bitch thinks?  I'm all that matters.

What the fuck is wrong with me?  Joe thought to himself.  When Rachel found out there was $5000 missing from their savings, she was going to be even more pissed off.  What the hell was he doing?  He couldn't afford this.

He lay in bed, wracked with guilt and anger - till he heard Rachel begin to snore.  Irritated he slipped out of bed, feeling a strange feverishness and restless desire.

He slipped into the spare room.  It was a smaller room, mainly taken up with wardrobe space where Rachel stored her clothes.  He would sometimes sleep in here if Rachel was snoring badly - though today he had also used it to hide the perfume.

That damn perfume, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Rummaging under the bed, he pulled out a shoe box and took out the perfume.

Do it. Spray it baby. Breathe it deep.

Joe felt his fingers push the spray and a fine mist erupted into the air.  He breathed deep, groaning as the delicious scent filled the room.

Breathe deeper... slower... spray the perfume onto your skin. Feel it on your body.

Joe had never worn women's perfume before but he sprayed it obediently onto his neck... his wrists.  The scent was now part of him... rising from his body.

His skin tingled and he felt hot.  His cock was hard again, but it felt strange... smaller almost.

Relax, let your mind slip into sleep.  Relaaaaaaax.

Joe felt his eyes begin to droop and then he fell into a deep sleep full of troubled dreams.


Rachel awoke suddenly.  Her alarm hadn't rung, but something had jolted her out of her sleep.  She rolled over in bed and looked at the cold empty space next to her in bed. Joe wasn't there and hadn't been for sometime.  She might have panicked, except that wasn't actually unusual... he was probably just in the spare room next door.  Such were the joys of married life.

She sighed.  Never go to bed angry on an argument her Mom had told her before she had started to go nuts. She decided she would slip next door and apologise to her husband... or at least clear the air between them, after all SHE had done nothing wrong.

Walking to the spare room in her dressing gown, Rachel pushed open the door and coughed.  There was a strong sexy scent in the air. Was that perfume?

Walking inside, she flicked on the lights and gasped.

Her wardrobes had been thrown open and her clothes hurled all over the place.  A pair of her most expensive shoes and her slinkiest dress were gone and one of her spare makeup kits had been opened and evidently used.  The nice handbag her sister had bought her was likewise missing.  It looked like they had been burgled, but that the robbers had strangely only taken one outfit.

"Wh... what the fuck?" she gasped as she looked around.  The room was otherwise empty, there was no sign of Joe.  "Joe?  What the hell is going on?" she gasped.

But he wasn't there to answer her.



Joe opened his eyes and groaned.  He knew immediately that he wasn't at home.

Where the fuck was he?

Turning over he saw he was in a hotel room and there was a man in the bed next to him.

Oh shit.

Sitting up quietly, keeping his breathing under control, Joe smelled the stale scent of fading perfume. Kayleigh's perfume.  Opposite him on the wall was a full length mirror.  Joe's eyes widened as he saw his appearance and he slipped out of bed to quietly approach.

Joe's hair was longer, nearly back to his neck now and streaked with blonde.  His stubble was gone, his chest seemed puffy and his fingernails unnaturally long.  His skin felt softer - his body seemed smaller.  Between his legs his cock jutted, was it smaller?  

Some drastic physical changes had taken over Joe, yet even as he watched, his hair seemed to be getting... shorter and darker again.

It was like he was changing back into... himself?

But then - who had he been?

"Uggghhhhh," the man in the bed groaned and turned.  Joe felt his heart hammer and panic begin to rise. Then the man began to snore and Joe realised for the moment he was safe. The guy was young, perhaps nineteen and incredibly good looking. He was fit and muscled, with a strong chin and a handsome face.  Joe had never seen him before in his life.

Clothes were strewn around the room.  A smashed lamp was on the floor... it looked like someone had swept the entire contents of the desk onto the floor to make room for something.

As he walked towards it, a whiff of the perfume came out of nowhere. An image flashed into Joe's mind. A memory of being bent over, moaning as his big tits squished against the desk and his lover pounded his tight pussy hard from behind.  Yesssss, fuck me deeper. I LOVE this.

Trying not to be sick, Joe looked desperately around.  None of the clothes seemed to be his. He sort of recognised the dress... was it... one of Rachel's?

Seeing the other man's clothes on the floor, Joe began to gather them up and put them on.  They didn't fit him very well, but luckily the other guy was larger and soon Joe was dressed.  More importantly, when he looked in the mirror he seemed to be almost fully back to normal, both in size and looks. Gathering up the remaining clothes, he picked up a handbag and seeing it was open looked inside.

The perfume bottle was inside.

As the scent rose from the bag, Joe felt light headed and his skin itched.  A terrible urge to spray the perfume, to feel it on his skin rose up - but he resisted.

"I need to get out of here," he groaned, taking the bin-liner from the bin and shoving all the remaining items inside. 

Then before the man could awake, he crept away and left the room.

Joe had never run away from a hotel before, he kept calm and on the bottom floor used an unlocked and unalarmed fire-escape to leave.   He walked away and never looked back.

That guy was going to be so pissed off when he woke up with no clothes.


Now he was in the light, Joe stopped by a car and checked his appearance in the wing-mirror.  To his surprise, his face still looked weird - and it took him a moment to realise it was because he was still wearing smeared makeup.

The last thing he properly remembered was going into the spare room last night - spraying the perfume himself.  It had felt so good - but then... he had fallen asleep?

What had happened to him?

What had he done?

He recognised the street where he was.  It was only a short bus ride home and he found some cash in the handbag in his possession. It was time to go home and face the music.

As he looked in the handbag he saw the perfume again.  "What the fuck is this stuff doing to me? It must be something to do with this perfume!  I have to get rid of this shit."

Reaching inside he grabbed the bottle and turned to face the wall.  All he had to do was throw and smash it and he would be free of whatever was happening.

Then he heard Kayleigh again.

Don't be such a big baby... you know what is happening to you and you like it.

"You're just an imaginary voice, shut up!" he gasped as Kayleigh's seductive voice entered his ear.

Imaginary? That's an interesting take loser. You've always been so fucking weak Joe. I was the one who made us strong all those years ago, and now I'm coming back to take control again.

"Wh... what are you talking about?"

You know what I'm talking about. You know what's happening.  Spray some perfume if you like.  Wouldn't you like to become me again?

Joe groaned as a hundred images suddenly flashed through his mind.  Memories of last night returned. Slipping into unconsciousness so that the Kayleigh personality deep inside him could take control.  The feeling of breasts swelling, skin softening, hair growing.  He remembered his lips curving into a wicked smile as his dick retracted and Kayleigh stood up, reborn and breathing her scent deeply.  

Then he was back in the present again, the bottle of perfume in his hand.

I was never your ex-girlfriend Joe. That was just some bullshit you created to protect yourself. I AM YOU.

"NO..... NOOOOO!" groaned Joe as buried memories returned and he clutched his head in agony.

You found the perfume when you were nineteen. You used it to become me.  You revelled in the slutty bitchy power I gave you.  Then you got all soft on me, tried to fight back.  Somehow you succeeded. You managed to rationalise that I was your ex-girlfriend, that I'd left you... you built a story in your mind that I was a different person.  You met Rachel, you got a boring job. You tried to bury me under your bullshit.

Joe groaned.  Memories were flooding back.  He had BEEN Kayleigh. He had been a spoiled, evil, bitchy sex machine.  The perfume had unlocked her... the magic perfume that never ran out and gave him the mind and body he thought he'd always wanted.

Then he'd got scared.  Kayleigh was taking control, he was becoming more and more evil.  Somehow he'd managed to fight free. He'd given the bottle away - it had been the hardest thing he'd ever done. After that there was no perfume, no way to transform into Kayleigh.  She'd been defeated and supressed - just a phantom memory that has mind had rationalised by constructing a false history.

It's too late Joe.  I'm back now! You can't bury me again.  You LOVE being a slut. Why do you think you went to the store where you knew you'd sold the perfume all those years ago.  Five year anniversary?  You realised how much you had come to hate your boring new life. You LONGED to become me again.

"NOOOO!" screamed Joe, though he knew with horror that it was all true. He looked down at the bottle in his hand. He wanted to use it again so much.  "NO... I won't."  He hefted it, but his hand wouldn't move. He couldn't destroy it - Kayleigh wouldn't let him. But she wasn't strong enough to make him use it again yet.

Shoving it back into the plastic bin-liner, he turned and stumbled towards the bus-stop.


Rachel gasped in relief as she heard the door opening and she ran down the stairs to see her husband, wild-eyed and in distress.  He looked like he had been dragged through a hedge backwards and was dressed in a strange outfit she'd never seen before.

"Rachel... please... I'm sorry, you have to help me."

"Joe, what the fuck is going on?  Where have you been?  What's happening to you?"

"Rachel, I'm too weak. I can't destroy this perfume. I need you to do it."

"Perfume, what perfume?"

Joe staggered towards her and opening her handbag thrust a small perfume bottle into her hands.

"I can't explain, please, you have to smash it or something. I don't think I can control myself for much longer."

She looked at the bottle in bemusement.  "But it's just perfume," and as if to demonstrate her point she squirted it into the air.

Rachel gasped as her husband moaned, a look of horror on his face. Breathing deep and panting heavily, a strange look came over his face and he started to laugh.

"Hahaha, you stupid bitch... oh YES!"

"Joe... what... what's wrong?  What's happening?"

Grabbing the bottle from her hands, Joe giggled and sprayed it onto himself.  He pumped the spray onto his neck, his wrists - even squirting his body.

Then he began to change.

Rachel backed away as Joe's bones began to crack and shift.  He screamed in ecstasy, his mouth open in a moan of pleasure as he became smaller and shorter.  His ass inflated outwards and his breasts swelled out, bigger than hers as he shook out soft blonde hair and plump, spoiled lips curved into a smile.

"Mmmmmh, thank you Rachel," purred Kayleigh as she flexed her fingers and wicked red claws shot out. "Ironic that you should be the one to set me free."

Stepping forward, Kayleigh shrugged off the male clothes she was wearing and naked and perfect advanced towards the older woman. She was nineteen again and as a sexy and bitchy as she had ever been.  The perfume had brought her back - Joe had never truly rid himself of the addiction.

"Wh...who are you?" stammered Rachel as she backed away.  " is this possible?"

Kayleigh giggled and lovingly stroked the perfume bottle in her hand.  "I have no use for a stupid wife," she grinned. "But I do have room for a bitchy, bestie."

And before Rachel could react - Kayleigh sprayed her directly in the face...


The scent of perfume filled the room - almost masking the scent of sex.  Rikki giggled as she spread her legs wider and felt the nine inch cock deep inside her slip even deeper inside.  She threw back her head and groaned, her massive tits flopping as she was pounded hard by her lover.

Across the room, bent over a chair in her favourite position, Kayleigh squealed as her lover pounded her equally hard and the two slutty bitches got their brains fucked out.

They'd picked the guys up from a club and then brought them back to the house for some fun.  The guys had seemed a little surprised that two nineteen year old party sluts should have their own home in a quiet suburban area but hadn't asked any questions once the girls had started sucking their dicks.

Spraying themselves with a top up of perfume, the two bitches had quickly got to work and now they were in for a night of hot sex and fucking.

On the mat by the door, a pile of bills and demands for money for Rachel and Joe was racking up - but neither Kayleigh or Rikki cared.  They would spend a few more months living here then move on.  Once they did so, the last vestiges of their old lives would disappear.

Rikki had already taken care of Rachel's Mom, the stupid old hag was now in a carehome whether she liked it or not and both of them had quit their jobs.

"There's no way back for those losers now," giggled Kayleigh. This time neither Joe or Rachel would be fighting free of their new alter-egos.

"Damn girls, you smell fine," groaned the men as they fucked the women and enjoyed how good it felt. There was something about this perfume that made them feel stronger and harder than usual. Like they would do anything to please these girls.

"Yeah, it's a wonderful scent isn't it?" giggled Kayleigh.

"And it's ours... all ours."



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