Fit Bitch: Stage 3

 Fit Bitch: Stage 3

Part 3: Keep Fit

The car-radio was playing some dumb bitchy tunes as Mark sat and waited nervously for his Goddess to return. It was Skylar's favourite station, but he hated it.  Seeing as that she wasn't here, he reached out to change the channel.


Pain burned through Mark's body as the Fit Bitch on his wrist sent waves of agony through him and he screamed.  He dropped his arm and hugged himself whilst the pain receded. Damn it, he'd forgotten for one moment that even when Skylar wasn't here - she was still pulling the strings.  She was in control.

He began to sob.

It was only a few days since Skylar had seduced him at the apartment and taken over his life.  She'd turned him into her slave and the worst bit was the conditioning was starting to become natural.  Try as he might to fight it, the watch on his wrist was using pleasure and pain to program him into the perfect pet.  

He patted nervously at his pockets.  He wished he still had his mobile phone - Skylar had taken that from him, along with his wallet.  He wondered whether Holly had contacted the police - whether she had tried to do anything to find him when he didn't return. He thought about his girlfriend Ashley.


Mark heaved as the inadvertent thoughts of his girlfriend caused the Fit Bitch to activate and make him feel sick and nauseous . The fucking thing could read his mind.  Desperately he thought of Skylar instead... her perfect body, her soft skin... the feel of her lips on his cock.  At once disgust turned to pleasure.


He groaned happily and knew that for all that he hated it, this conditioning was working. He already associated Ashley with feelings of disgust and he adored Skylar. It was getting harder and harder not to just want to serve her willingly.

He wondered what was taking her so long.  She'd been inside Hyde.Incs headquarters for nearly an hour now, leaving him waiting in the car like a dog.  An obedient dog... he was Skylar's bitch and he knew it.

The Fit Bitch rewarded him at that mental thought.  The more subservient and worshipful he was of his Goddess, the better it made him feel.


He moaned and lay back thinking of his Mistress and how eager he was to serve her.

He couldn't wait for Skylar to get back...


Skylar felt no nervousness or concern as she sat in the board-room and sipped on the excellent coffee the cringing intern had brought her.  Her lips curved into a cruel smile as she saw the beaten cur back out of the room - the Fit Bitch on his wrist clearly responsible for his obedient behaviour.  It made her wet to see another broken boy and a desire to intensify her conditioning of Mark grew in her.

Patience.. it was only a few days since she started and he was coming along nicely. This man had probably been conditioned over weeks, maybe even years.

Skylar was everything Tyler had once been - intelligent, clever, perceptive and mentally-agile; but now married to the body of a mega-bitch and with the limitless desire to dominate and do evil.  Being an evil slutty bitch was her overriding desire - she no longer felt lesser emotions such as fear or anxiety.  Skylar knew that she was better than everyone else, and nothing would stop her.  Not even Hyde.Inc.

She'd been made this way by this very companies products - their evil conditioning watch and their hormone laced protein products.  She had been reborn thanks to Hyde.Inc and now she wanted answers.

"As you have noticed, we don't allow men to have any power here," purred a soft voice causing her to turn in her chair, "they either become female much as you did - or they become enslaved."

A woman had entered the room - obviously important. She wore a very expensive business suit and had blonde hair with attractive features.  Skylar had met her before - a long time ago when she had been Tyler and this bitch had tried to buy her software from her.

"I remember you," she purred rising to shake hands with the other woman.  "You're Erica."

The other woman smiled tightly, the two of them circling each other warily like cats.  Skylar could see immediately this women was like her - but that made her dangerous.  Erica was clearly bright, focused, devious and cruel. 

"You're the owner of Hyde.Inc?"

Erica laughed, "Oh no - I'm pretty important but I'm not the owner. No - she prefers to work though other people. I'm her closest confidant though - so you can be assured if you're speaking to me, you are talking to someone with full authority to act."

"I see," said Skylar warily.  "Let's not waste time. Your company sent Tyler all those products to turn him into me. Your little Fit Bitch unleashed his deepest darkest desires and allowed me to form.  But why?  To turn me into your slave? So I would sell Tyler's software to you?"

Erica grinned, "Well of course my darling.  When Tyler refused to cooperate with us and like some damn fool began using his mental health software for free, we realised we needed to stop him.  Pax is now downloaded onto millions of devices and with a little adjustment, a positive mental health app can become the perfect tool to program millions of minds.  We are happy to give you what you need to develop it further and... weaponise it."

"Why... why help me obtain such power?" mused Skylar warily. "You know I'll just use it to help myself and get what I want. I'm not sharing anything with Hyde.Inc."

"We don't expect you to share anything. My boss is moving on to head up - other projects.  She's been looking for a successor to become CEO of the company and has decided it should be you."

"Me?  Why doesn't she want you to run the company?"

"I have other tasks to perform more suited to my interests.  You on the other hand would be perfect to run this company and develop it's mind controlling technology further."

Skylar mused this over, "Okay - I'll bite - let's discuss the details of what you're proposing..."

Ercia smiled and pressed a button.  Another pretty young woman with a warm smile entered the room carrying a series of folders.  "I prepared the documents just as you wanted Erica," she grinned.

"Thank you Cookie," smiled Erica to Skylar, "She's my assistant from Norway - incredibly efficient, in fact this place would fall apart without her. We all have little nicknames for each other here."

"Whatever," scowled Skylar, "Just show me the details..."

The two women sat down to begin discussing their deal.


Skylar's head was whirling with possibilities as she exited the building an hour later.  She giggled as she slid the contract she'd signed into her bag and looked at the building behind her.  "All this is fucking mine now!" she gloated, pleased at the rush it gave her to know that in a month she would be pulling a seven figure salary and have all these people working under her.

She couldn't believe Erica had just given the company to her.  Skylar was now a 20 year old CEO with all the wealth and power of Hyde.Inc behind her. The mysterious owner of the company continued to maintain a large portion of the shares, but the rest was hers.  She wasn't sure what kind of game was being played here, but she didn't care. Now she could focus on merging the technology of her own discovery Pax with the Fit Bitch and other products produced by HER company.

Walking over to her car, she reflected that she'd have to buy a model more suited to an all powerful bitch like her soon. Perhaps a Bentley or a Porsche?

Her pussy was wet and she felt so fucking horny - her pouty lips twitched into a mean smile as she saw Mark sitting obediently in the car.

Sliding into the front seat, she slid it back as far as it would go and wiggled her daisy dukes down to show her tight shaven pussy. She giggled for a moment, remembering how she used to have a worthless dick down there - thanks to her transformation, that wasn't an issue anymore.

"Eat me out bitch," she laughed, grabbing Mark's head and forcing him down into the foot-well.  He barely fit, even with the seat all the way back and awkwardly got to work as Skylar gripped his hair with her manicured fingers and forced his head down into her dripping pussy.

"Mmmmmh, eat me out loser - serve your Mistress!"

The Fit Bitch on Mark's wrist beep as it detected a work-out going on and began to monitor his life-signs.  SATISFY YOUR MISTRESS - GOOD BOY, it flashed and Mark groaned as he was given a reward for pleasuring Skylar.

"You're going to be such an obedient boyfriend by the time I'm finished with you," groaned Skylar playing with her tits and not caring who saw them through the car window.  "Ooooooh fuck, I have so many nasty plans to carry out... you're going to love what comes next baby.  Make Goddess cum and then drive me home, I have some upgrades to make to my software..."

Skylar began to moan as Mark licked her clit - it felt so fucking good to be the Mistress.


"Ma'am, please calm down and repeat that again.  Your boyfriend has been kidnapped?"

Ashley's mascara was smeared and she wrung her hands together as the desk-sergeant in front of her tried to make sense of her hysterical sobs.  She was shaking with stress and hadn't eaten in two days.

"Ye....yes. He... he's been kidnapped by my friend Tyler... only... we don't know if Tyler is still Tyler and we haven't seen either of them for days. We think Tyler is holding Mark hostage we..."

Ashley realised how crazy it all sounded even as she tried to explain.  For three days she and Holly had been searching the neighbourhood. They'd tried everywhere they could think of, but they hadn't been able to find either of the guys.  


Ashley was suddenly distracted by her phone vibrating.  Checking it in case it was Mark, she saw to her disappointment it was just one of her apps automatically updating.  Wait... it was the PAX mental health app.  Like all of Tyler's friends, she'd installed the app to help him test the software - but if it was updating that means that Tyler must be releasing a new version.


Ashley gasped as her expensive smart-watch began to buzz too.  What the fuck?  Tyler's software was leapfrogging to all her connected blue-tooth devices.  Her watch was being over-written with some sort of alternative software.


Her watch beeped and rebooted with a screen and a set-up she'd never seen before.  What the fuck was going on?

Then her phone began to ring.  It was Mark's number.

"Miss - Miss are you okay?" said the desk sergeant impatiently. He was old-fashioned and found all these smart devices tiresome.  He also didn't have much time for time-wasters and that felt very much the case today.

"Wait, please - it's him. It's Mark.  I have to take this."

Walking away from the desk, Ashley took a deep breath and answered.  "Mark?"

"Hello Ashley," purred a woman's voice.  "I'm afraid Mark is busy right now... but I thought I'd say hi.  I'm Skylar.  Hey, are you enjoying your visit to the police station?"

"What?  Who the fuck are you? Where's Tyler... where's Mark?  Wait - how did you know I'm at the police station?"

"Tyler is gone loser and Mark is MINE now bitch.  As for how I know where you are, thanks to the watch you're wearing I now know everything about you.  I know how fast your heart is beating, your exact location, where you've been today... EVERYTHING."

Ashley looked down at her wrist.  The software update...  it had to be something to do with that. She gasped in horror and went to rip off the watch.

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ashley screamed as the pain blasted through her. It was the worst pain she'd ever felt - crippling and soul-destroying. Waves of nausea rose through her and every nerve was agony.  She thrashed as the desk sergeant gave a cry and ran around to check on her.

Through the ringing in her ears Ashley could just about hear Skylar still speaking.

"Get rid of this fool and get out of the station. I can make the pain even worse if you disobey. If you try to tell him what's happening, I'll burn out every nerve in your body and you'll be in agony forever. Ring me back on this number when you're done."

The phone clicked off and Ashley groggily pulled herself up from the floor where she'd fallen.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she whimpered as the desk-sergeant helped her to her feet. "It was just the shock of hearing Mark - I've not eaten properly for days or slept.  I need to go meet him, thanks for your help - but everything is fine now."

The desk-sergeant wasn't sure, but Ashley managed to talk him round and in minutes was stood outside the station, shaking in fear. She walked to her car and got in, ringing Mark's number and waiting for it to answer.

"Hello again Ashley.  That little demonstration was most useful wasn't it," purred Skylar's satisfied voice.  "Do you understand the power I hold over you now?  To be honest, I wasn't sure my little software update would work.  I wasn't sure an average smart-watch would contain the necessary technology to implement the control algorithms - but it turns out Hyde.Inc have been sneaking propriety hardware into their competitors smart devices. They just needed someone with a genius for software engineering to make it work... and I did it. It only took me 24 hours, I really am a genius."

Skylar laughed and Ashley felt a chill run down her spine.

"Not every smart watch or phone has the needed upgrades yet, but I estimate there are millions of devices world wide by now and certainly you and all our friends have them.  All it takes is a little software update by me, and I can transform your once harmless watch into a Fit Bitch.

"Whhh, what do you want you bitch?" screamed Ashley.

"Why my dear. I want to test my upgrades.  At the moment I've only upgraded your app - but in approximately a week I intend to activate a general release that will turn millions of users smart-devices into Fit Bitches under my control.  Then I will truly become a Goddess.  Now listen carefully - drive to this address and don't tell anyone where you are going.  If you do - the Fit Bitch will activate and you'll be in SO much pain.  Also, you'll learn that doing what I want makes you feel good.  Really good. Do you understand.  If so, say 'Yes Mistress.'" 

"Yes," whimpered Ashley and she immediately felt a growing stab of pain.

"I mean yes Mistress."  As she said the word Mistress, Ashley suddenly felt a wonderful feeling of release and pleasure. Her nipples tingled and her pussy throbbed and she felt such delicious pleasure.  As the feeling receded, she found she wanted to say Mistress again - just to feel that pleasure.

"Haha, it's time for us to meet in person. Don't be long."


The hotel suite was large and spacious - a penthouse apartment. Ashley felt her heart in her mouth as she knocked on the door and it opened to reveal her tormenter. She gasped as she caught sight of Skylar. She was beautiful, with a tight tempting body and a perfect wicked smile.  She walked with a bitchy, self-assured confidence and made Ashley feel small instantly.

"Hello Ashley. I'd say nice to meet you, but we have met before. Of course - I was a different person then."

"Wh.... I don't understand," whimpered Ashley as she walked in demurely... feeling a threatening buzz from her wrist every time she even tried to think about violence towards Skylar.

"Haha - haven't you worked it out loser, I used to be that pathetic idiot Tyler."

Ashley was stunned.  It couldn't be true - it just couldn't.  Except - now she looked more closely, she could see that perhaps there was something in those beautiful features that was familiar.  "No... you can't be him. Tyler was the kindest, most loyal, most selfless person I ever met!"

"Haha, and I'm the meanest, bitchiest, most selfish slut you'll ever encounter Ashley," purred Skylar. "Ohhhh you have NO idea how fucking good it felt to destroy Tyler and make him into me.  I cummed SO fucking hard as he died and I replaced him.   He's gone now and I'm in charge."

"No - there must be some part of Tyler left in there. Please - it isn't too late."

"Oh it is Ashley.  At least - it's far too late for you.  You're my fucking slave now and soon you'll enjoy it, just like Mark is starting to."

"Where is he?"  

"Oh, he's out doing some errands. I don't want you two to meet until I've had a chance to test my latest innovation.  You see - when I started playing around with PAX and working out how to corrupt an average smart watch - I also started to play around with other blue-tooth devices.  Now it's time to test that too.  Put on your blue-tooth headphones."

"No, I won't," stammered Ashley. "I won't let you experiment on me any..."

YOU MUST OBEY MISTRESS, flashed her watch.

The pain was intense and Ashley groaned in agony.  "Ahhhh - okay. I'll do it."

Reaching into her handbag she found her earphones and shakily inserted them.  Skylar grinned and picking up her own phone pressed a button.

Ashley winced as a wash of sound - strange static and high pitched whining flooded her ears.  Swooning she fell onto the bed, jerking as her nervous system was overwhelmed by sound.

Then she heard Skylar's voice.

I am a loser.  I am a slut. I serve Mistress Skylar. 

Ashley groaned as her Fit Bitch began to send pulses of pleasure and the hypnotic voice intensified.

I want Skylar to fuck Mark. I enjoy being cucked. I get off on being pathetic.

"Nooooooooo," she whimpered - but the voice was powerful and when she listened to it and accepted what it was saying - pleasure pulsed through her body.

I am Skylar's bitch. I am Skylar's bitch. I am Skylar's bitch.

"I... am... Skylar's bitch..." groaned Ashley, her hand slipping down to her panties as her resistance crumbled and her eyes rolled up into her head as she entered a hypnotic trance.  Watching with curiosity, Skylar smirked and increased the intensity of the programming using her app.

"I knew I could perfect the conditioning - mmmmmh, Ashley's brain is going to be so fucked up by the time I'm done with her."

Ashley moaned in pleasure - then in pain - as the programming taught her that to obey Skylar was to know satisfaction and to disobey was to know pain.  As she watched Ashley begin to finger herself and moan wetly in pleasure - Skylar began to do the same. This was so fucking hot... corrupting other people was SO much fun.


Holly was starting to panic.  "Ashley... Ashley where the fuck are you?  I've tried ringing you six times. Please answer."

Dropping her phone onto the bed, she pulled at her hair in anguish.  "This can't be happening - THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING." 

First Tyler had abandoned her, then Mark had disappeared and now Ashley was gone.  The last she'd heard, her friend had been going to the police station - but now she had also vanished and according to the unhelpful desk-sergeant, Ashley had chosen not to file a report after all. 

It was like her world was being systematically dismantled.  A few weeks ago she had been so happy. She'd been so proud of her wonderful boyfriend and all the good things he was doing. Now everything was falling apart and she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly her phone buzzed.  Picking it up, her heart missed a beat as she saw she had a message from Ashley.  It was an address - a luxury hotel nearby and it simply said 'Help Me.'

Trembling in fear and in anxiety, Holly grabbed her things and ran to her car.  Ashley needed her help - she had to go.  She was the only one left, but somehow... she would stop this from going any further. She would find Tyler and she would put this right. Whatever was going on - it stopped today.  It would end - one way or the other.

She drove to the hotel... she took the lift to the penthouse... she crept to the door as indicated and found it ajar.  Pushing it open she stepped inside.


And darkness took her...


Waking groggily, Holly had a moment of panic as she remembered strong arms around her, and a cloying scent in her mouth as someone clamped something over her mouth. She realised immediately she was tied to a chair and it had been positioned to command a perfect view of the room. On her wrist a Fit Bitch had been strapped.  She looked at it in confusion and then surveyed the room. 

On the bed sat a smirking woman - beautiful and wicked looking.  At her feet - completely naked except for a spiky dog collar sat Ashley.  Her eyes were blank and shone with devotion as she gazed up at the woman like an obedient pet.

In the corner of the room stood Mark. He was impassive - his face neutral as he regarded her coldly, and in his hand he still held the chloroform that had been used to drug her.

"Wakey wakey Holly - I wouldn't want you to miss this," giggled Skylar as she winked at her former lover. 

"T... Tyler... is that you?"

Holly recognised her boyfriend immediately.  He had been horribly transformed, but she would always know her Tyler.

A slight wince of pain appeared on Skylar's face for a moment and she smoothed it over quickly with a scowl.

"Tyler - oh my God.  What have they done to you?"  There was so much love and compassion in that voice that to Skylar's surprise she felt a swell of love and emotion for Holly rise up.

"Shut up," snapped Skylar as she twitched uncomfortably.  "Your useless fucking boyfriend is dead... I'm in control now and this is my victory we're about to see."

And yet inside - inside an old voice was rising.

Oh my God - what am I doing?  What have I become?

Skylar grit her teeth as she suddenly realised that not every-part of Tyler was dead. He was still inside her and growing stronger as Holly recalled all the love and affection they had once shared.  

"Uggghhh, I thought this might happen.  That's why I left you till last," groaned Skylar rubbing her temples.  "That's why I wanted you awake and un-programmed - to witness my final ascension."

Wait - it's not too late - I don't have to go through with this.

"Mark and Ashley.  You know what to do."

Skylar shivered as she picked up her blue-tooth headphones and slid them into her ears.  Now she could no longer hear Holly.  Looking her former girlfriend in the eyes, she grinned - but weaker than she would have liked and began to undress.

No... wait... maybe this isn't what I want after all?

Skylar groaned, "I have... to hurry. I'm... I'm turning back into Tyler. I didn't think the conditioning would be so vulnerable.  I'm beginning to lose focus - quickly - do it."

Burying her head into Skylar's crotch, Ashley began to lick and the evil bitch moaned as she lay back on the bed and Mark began to fondle her breasts.  The headphones began to buzz and whine as the hypnotic programming she had tested on Ashley earlier on began to work on her as well.

There is only Skylar. You love being an evil bitch. Tyler is gone.

"Yessssss," hissed Skylar, arching her back and moaning as her slaves pleasured her body and reinforced the programming.

Holly means nothing to you. You are finally free.

"NO! Tyler, don't do this!" screamed Holly fighting against her bindings as the pulses of pleasure throbbed through Skylar - reinforcing her programming and self-corrupting her into a bitch forever.

This is what you want. To be evil, powerful and spoiled forever.  You want this for yourself. You want to be the Goddess. You want to be Skylar.

"YES!" groaned Skylar as she pushed Ashley away and grabbing Mark threw him onto the bed.  "I want to be the fucking GODDESS!"

Laughing she pulled Mark's hard cock out of his pants and pumping it turned to face Holly.  "Tyler is dead - do you understand bitch?  With this final act I end his useless existence for ever and embrace my rightful place as everyone's superior.  I AM SKYLAR!"

And with a moan she lowered her wet pussy down and slid Mark's fat cock into her tight body.  

"Yes Mistress, fuck him - you are so much better than I am," moaned Ashley as she eagerly watched Skylar ride her boyfriend with devotion in her eyes.

"OH FUCK YES! Haha - look at her," laughed Skylar as Holly began to cry. "She is the future - a world of obedient sluts all ready to serve their new Goddess.  ME!"

Rubbing her clit, Skylar laughed as her eyes rolled back in her head and the headphones in her ears throbbed and reinforced her own corrupt programming. "I AM SUCH A FUCKING BITCH Hahahahaha! YES I wanna be evil FOREVER! Wipe that fucking loser out. Make me a GODDESS."

The last of Tyler was absorbed - his brain completely rewired to become Skylar's.  It was over, she had won completely.

With a groan, Skylar began to cum... rubbing furiously till her pussy erupted and she began to squirt.  Holly cried as Skylar drenched her and hot pussy juices ran down her face... mingling with her tears.

Sliding off Mark and contemptuously pushing his cock away as if it didn't matter Skylar advanced and slid the headphones out.  There was nothing now - no hint of Tyler left in her cold blue eyes.  She giggled as she pushed her pussy into Holly's face and the other girl tried to twist away in disgust.

"Ohhh don't worry Holly.  I'll help make the pain go away.  Soon you'll feel so happy serving me like Ashley does. Soon you won't feel anything at all but devotion."

And with a smile Skylar activated Holly's Fit Bitch.


It was just a normal day like any other when the updates started to arrive.  Across the world, millions of users of the free mental health app PAX were suddenly surprised to find their phones, watches and headphones all upgrading.

Most people didn't think anything of it... not until the first instructions started to arrive.

In a million bedrooms across the world, men and women masturbated and whimpered as their new programming took.  In a million bedrooms across the world - the first worshippers of a new Goddess were born. In a million bedrooms across the world, the conditioning started.

And high up in a luxurious office on the top floor of Hyde.Inc, Skylar watched it all.  

As Holly sucked Mark's cock and Ashley played with herself, Skylar was already bored of them. She had millions of new toys to play with now and an empire to run.  It was time to get started.

And in an even more exclusive office a thousand miles away in London, a soft pair of pink lips curved into a smile and a manicured fingernail crossed off yet another successful project from her list.

Now... what was next?



  1. I loved this, what a hot and perverted end to the series. Great stuff Evie!


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