The Early Bird

The Early Bird Your boyfriend Stephen had always been just as lazy as you - so you were amazed when he suddenly began to get up at 5AM and go out for an early morning jog. It began soon after he started his new job at the pharmacy, and the formerly reluctant riser became a keen exerciser and almost desperate to get up as early as possible. He would change into a baggy tracksuit and leave the house at about 5.15 AM - returning by 8.40 AM for a shower and to begin his work. You wouldn't normally get up till at least 9.00 AM so by the time you even awoke he was usually seated at his desk, working from home and looking flushed from his workout. You should have been pleased, but there was just something... off about Stephen's new hobby. Not only was it so out of character you could hardly believe it, but he didn't appear to be losing any weight or getting fitter. You began to wonder what he was really up to. You never saw any pics of him running, he never shared routes or t...