

Erica loved her twin sister Irene very much, but she was also sick of being bullied and belittled. The twins had been victimised and humiliated all the way through school and as they reached their shared birthday it didn't appear that life was going to get any better for them. Erica took it particularly badly.  She was tired of being a doormat for other people. She didn't care that she had good grades, a loving family and a sister - she longed to have the power to stand up to her bullies and protect herself and her sister.

"Irene - I have an idea," she whispered excitedly one day as the two of them sat in their bedroom. "Remember what Grandma said all those years ago - that on our birthday we would be given the power to make a wish?  She told us so long as we both wished for the same thing, it would come true  - a magic that only works for identical twins."

Irene laughed, "Don't be crazy Erica. Magic and wishes aren't real."

"What if they are?" grinned Erica with a feral look in her eyes.  "What if tomorrow we both wish for the same thing? We wish that I was the most popular girl in school.  If it comes true, I'll be able to protect us both from the bullies."

Irene frowned, "I don't know Erica. It sounds kind of crazy and also - why would you want to change your life like that?  I don't like it, I'm happy with the way things are."

Erica scowled at her sister. "Don't be such a coward. If the magic works, we'll never have to put up with bullies again. Help me become popular and our lives could be so much better."

"Well - why can't we wish for us both to become popular?" whined Irene.

"Grandma said a wish can only affect one twin at a time.  That's what makes the magic so difficult to use, both twins have got to wish for the same thing. Pleeeeease Irene. This is the only way."

Irene shrugged. "Fine... tomorrow we'll make the wish, but I don't like this."

She climbed into bed and turned out the light, a strange disquiet in the pit of her tummy.


Erica excitedly shook her sister awake.  "Happy birthday sis. It's time!"

Irene yawned, "Erica - it's 5AM what are you doing?"

"I know it's early, but I was too excited about the thought of making our wish.  Are you ready?"

Irene sighed. She knew that Erica would be unbearable until she got what she wanted. Sitting up in bed, she looked at her twin sister - her mirrored features staring back at her.  She sometimes wondered what was going on in Erica's head - for all that they were twins, they could be very different people.

Holding her sisters hand, Erica smiled excitedly.  "I wish I was the most popular, hottest girl in school and that all the bullies feared me."

Irene hesitated, "I wish that... Erica was the most popular girl in school and that all the bullies feared her."

They sat - still holding hands - nothing happened.

"See Erica, magic isn't real," yawned Irene.  Her sister scowled in disappointment, but nothing was happening.  "Go back to sleep and we'll talk about it when we wake up later."  Irene closed her eyes and drifted back into sleep.


Erica lay in bed, her mind racing.  Why hadn't it worked?  She scowled again - gritting her teeth.  It wasn't fair.  She wanted it so badly. To be popular and strong. To be able to stand up to her bullies and make them be the ones shitting themselves for once.  Maybe she just hadn't WANTED it enough. Her sisters wish had been luke-warm to say the least.  She began to whisper to herself, announcing her intentions to the air.

"I wish I was a fucking bitch... an evil, mean, spoiled little brat like those fucking bitches who have made my life a living hell. I wish I was ten times worse than them, that I was so fucking evil that even Irene was scared of me and everyone did what I said," she hissed spitefully.

Her pussy was suddenly wet at the thought, and ignoring her sleeping sister she slid a hand to her crotch and began to touch herself.  Where were these words coming from?  It was like her mind was feverish and on fire.

"I wish I had long blonde hair and flawless skin - that instead of this weak dorky body I was a fit, tanned, bratty Goddess.  I wish I was more beautiful than Irene - that she was nothing compared to me. I wish I had soft pink lips and perfect tits and I was always the centre of attention. Irene wouldn't matter anymore because everyone would be obsessed with ME."

Erica moaned and arched her back. Her fingers slid in and out of her wet pussy, her body was on fire. The evil words pouring out of her mouth made her feels so fucking GOOD. It felt like by saying them she was reshaping reality. And then to her amazement, she realised she was. It was working - her wish was starting to come true.

Bones cracked and shifted and her skin tanned as Erica's brunette hair turned golden blonde. She moaned in ecstasy a wild grin now on her face as she realised it was working. 

"Fuck yes! Make me a fucking bitch. Give me a tight tanned body, round bitchy boobs - a hot slutty face. Make me a vain, evil, preening self-obsessed bullying brat. I LOVE how this feels."

Erica's PJ top tightened and clung to her new body as her flat chest swelled up.  Expensive manicured nails sprang from her fingers and she became sexier and sexier.  In the bed next to Erica, Irene shifted uncomfortably in her sleep, unaware of the evil transformation her sister was going through.

Erica's new sexy eyes locked onto her sister and her wicked lips curved into a cruel sneer. "Yesssss, make me better than Irene, make me the hot sister... the one everyone wants to fuck. I'm better than her now, so much fucking better than EVERYONE!"

Erica groaned as she began to cum, her pussy exploding in a shower of squirt and hot lust as she shook and her eyes rolled up into her head.  The transformation locked as she came, her new body, personality and life coming into existence as the wish completed itself.  Ripples of energy flowed out from her - spreading through the town, changing reality and reordering existence itself...

Then there was darkness... and only Erica's panting, smiling moans of pleasure as she was reborn just how she had wanted.

She had ascended...


Opening her eyes, Irene realised something was wrong straight away.  Sitting bolt upright in bed - she realised that she was alone - truly alone. A strange state for a twin to find herself in.

The room she had shared all her life with Erica had changed.  It was now a single bedroom for one person.  One bed, one chest of drawers... a room for one person, not a twin. 

Jumping out of bed, she looked around for Erica then bursting out of her room stopped in shock.  The tiny little house she shared with her family was gone and she was now in some kind of mansion.  "Happy birthday Princess" banners coated the walls and dashing down the unfamiliar marble staircase, Irene ran into the kitchen and stood still in shock.

"Mmmmh, morning sis. Happy birthday."

Erica grinned as she licked birthday cake from her fingers and stretched like a cat in her slutty blue lingerie. She looked amazing, her flawless new body thrumming with excitement.  Flicking her blonde hair back with a bitchy giggle she looked at her sister with contempt. "Fucking hell, I'm SO glad I don't look like THAT anymore."

"Er... Erica?" stuttered Irene in horror.

"Haha, that's right loser. Our wish came true," sneered Erica as she took another piece of cake and licked it from her long nailed fingers.  "Mmmmh, I'm now the most popular girl in town and EVERYONE fears me.  Including you."

Irene felt herself shake as she realised it was true.  She WAS scared of Erica now and she felt an aching loss as she realised her twin had betrayed her and moved beyond her.  Her new body looked so powerful and sexy.  Irene felt a sudden pang of jealousy, she wished she looked like that. She wished she had tits like that.  As if reading her mind, Erica suddenly grabbed her own tits and squeezing them laughed at her sisters shocked face.

"I can read you like a book Irene. You wish you had this body don't you?  Well let me tell you, this body is SO fucking good and I feel amazing.  I always wanted to be more popular and sluttier than you and now I have it all. I'm rich, spoiled and bratty. As you can see our family has gone up in the world, but too bad for you our parents only care about me - so you don't get to have any of it."

Dropping down from the counter with a clop of high heels, Irene backed away as she realised her sister towered over her now. Erica's boobs were level with Irene's face and the other girl backed away intimidated as Erica advanced on her.

"A little quirk of the wish, is that you're the only one besides myself who remembers what really happened.  You're the only one unaffected.  That means you get the delight of always knowing what I've become and living in jealousy forever."

Touching her body, Erica leered at her sister. "Now scram loser. I have a couple of guys coming over to help me celebrate my birthday.  I'll be busy all morning, but you can do my chores and your own in the time you have."

Strutting away, Erica grinned.  "You'll never know how good this feels loser, thanks for helping me achieve ascendance."

Tears running down her face, Irene watched her former twin sister walk off to start her life of spoiled debauchery, all the time wishing that it could be her instead...



  1. Love this that hot Evil bitch Erica reminds me of someone, Someone very close to me


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