

Gwendolyn looked with horror at the idling motorbike - her handbag clutched to her body as she nervously bit her lip and looked shyly at Riley's confident grin.  They were stood at the entrance to the college, where all her friends and everyone else could see.  Ten paces behind at a respectful distance stood her boyfriend Oliver, his face still livid from the bruises that Riley had given him earlier that week. She hesitated as she looked at the growling Harley - it was big, black and menacing. Riley was patting the saddle invitingly but she just shivered and hesitated.

"Come on babe, jump on the back. Just - spread your legs and slide onto my machine."

She blushed as the tall biker boy, laughed and stretched confidently in his black bike leathers enjoying his lewd joke.  "Hurry up and get on, or shall I go over to your boyfriend and give him another beating."

"No... please," she whimpered, "leave him alone."

"I'll leave him alone if you live up to your end of the bargain," Riley sneered.  "My Mom is on my back about not having a girlfriend yet - so for a month you pretend to be mine instead of that dweebs, and then I 'dump you' and we're quits. I'll promise never to harm a head on your little idiot boyfriends head if you do as I ask."

"O... okay," said Gwendolyn as she approached.  "How do I... ummmm get on it -  I've never been on a motorbike before."

"You just slide on up here and put your legs to either side. Oh and this isn't just any motorbike," grinned Riley.  "she's a real fucking bitch.  Up to now, she's been the only woman in my life and she's a bad girl.  We'll have to hope she isn't jealous of my new girlfriend."

Riley laughed and gunned the engine as Gwendolyn awkwardly climbed up and slid in behind him. She could smell his leather jacket and feel the warmth of the seat beneath her split legs.  Her skirt was now riding perilously high, her knee socks on either side of the bike. She could feel it throbbing against her knickers.

Throb... throb... throb...

"Hmmm, I think she likes you. Maybe she wants a girl to be her BFF," laughed Riley.  

Gwendolyn was barely listening.  Her breathing had become heavy and her eyes fluttered slightly.  The bike was throbbing and pulsing against her crotch and to her embarrassment it was stimulating her sexually.  The feel of the powerful bike growling and throbbing, the smell of the leather and even the added height it gave her made her feel so fucking... naughty.

The bike roared into motion and Gwendolyn's hands slid automatically around Riley's waist.  Her eyes fluttered.  She felt... weird.  In a state of arousal and pleasure - almost hypnotised.

"Isn't it great being on her?" laughed Riley. "Knowing you're a fucking bad ass?  Knowing that you don't have to give a fuck about anyone or anything.  Being bad feels so good doesn't it?"

Throb... throb... throb... being bad feels good.  We don't give a fuck.

Gwendolyn ground her crotch against the bike, whimpering and moaning.  It felt so good.  She didn't even look at Oliver as they roared past.  She was too busy starting to cum at the feelings the bike was sending into her body.  
"You're gonna love being my girlfriend," he shouted above the noise of the bike as they sped off into the evening.

"I'm going to love being your girlfriend," she groaned with a slutty grin on her face as ground her crotch hard against the saddle and let the throbbing pulse through her pussy.

Throb... throb... throb.


Oliver was in pain.  Not physical pain... but emotional pain.

It was a week since he'd struck his bargain with Riley and over the last seven days he'd been forced to watch his loving girlfriend Gwendolyn accept lifts to and from college on Riley's motorbike - as well as hang out with him and his biker friends.

Everyone thought she'd dumped him for Riley - and he'd been told to keep quiet or else.  He could have perhaps accepted all of this for the benefit of no longer being bullied - but he was starting to worry about Gwendolyn.

She was... changing.

She seemed addicted to Riley's bike. She was constantly asking him to take her on rides, begging him to skip school with her and take her out. The two of them were constantly in the saddle, Gwendolyn squirming happily next to her 'boyfriend' as she urged him to drive faster, more dangerously and harder than last time.

Her preppy outfits were now a thing of the past.  In order to make riding easier, she had begun wearing tight leather trousers or tough denim with high boots.  Her cutesy blouses were now replaced by cleavage exposing black tank-tops and crop-tops.  Her skin was tanned from all the time she was spending outside.  Her eyes almost constantly hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses.

But the changes weren't just physical.  Gwendolyn no longer walked with a shy diffidence.  She now strutted.  With confident clops of her booted heels, she strode through the college, chewing gum and with either a wicked grin on her face or a sneer.  She was starting to act more and more like a bad girl bitch.  She seemed to be getting off on the biker girlfriend persona Riley was forcing her to accept.  Oliver knew this wasn't the real her, it was tearing him apart to see her forced to act like this.

He'd been told not to speak to Gwendolyn during the month, but he simply HAD to do something. He waited tills he was alone and scurried over.  

"Gwendolyn, are you okay?"

"Huh... what the fuck?  Oh it's you." 

She sounded disappointed and Oliver felt another stab of pain.  He couldn't believe she wasn't pleased to see him. 

"Gwendolyn, I feel so bad for putting you in this position.  I can take the pain. If you need me to let him bully me again so you can get away from Riley, I'm prepared to do it for you."

"Will you stop fucking calling me that?" sighed the leather clad girl in front of him.  "I go by Gwen these days. No - I don't need you to 'rescue' me you fucking dweeb. I'm ENJOYING my little holiday from myself."

"Wh... what?" stammered Oliver.

Gwen laughed and to his horror pulled a packet of cigarettes out from her jacket. Sliding one into her mouth, she lit it and took a satisfied drag.  Tossing back her long hair she sneered as she blew smoke into his face and he coughed pathetically.

"Listen you fucking loser, I LIKE being a bad girl for a change. It turns out I kinda like being a bitch and doing whatever the fuck I want.  Riley woke something up inside me and I'm enjoying exploring it. Now why don't you fuck off?  I don't wanna see you till the end of the month."

Tears in his eyes, Oliver staggered away - Gwen laughing as she took another drag from her cigarette and her eyes sparkled with pleasure.  Her pussy was tingling and she groaned in lust.

Throb, throb, throb.

It felt almost as good as having the bike between her legs.


Riley groaned as Gwen's lips slid deeper around his cock - engulfing his manhood as she sucked and slurped on his dick.  "Holy fuck, where did you learn to do this?" he gasped as she giggled and bobbed her head up and down. 

They were in his bedroom, a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels discarded on the floor. Heavy rock music pumped out of a speaker and discarded leather clothing covered the floor as Gwen went to work sucking him off.

"Mmmmh, I've been wanting to suck your dick for so long now," she smiled as she finally broke off.  She looked different to when he first met her... tougher... sexier.  Her eyes were now heavily made up, her arms now more toned and muscled.  The fresh black ink of her new arm tattoo had only just healed and her knuckles were bruised from where she had been fighting his mate's girlfriend.

Gwen had quickly established herself as the meanest, bitchiest girl in their gang and the others now looked to her for leadership - just as the guys looked to him.  The shy, preppy nerd he had picked up a month ago was barely recognisable. This leather clad vixen with a bad attitude and a bitchy personality was almost like a different person.

She went back to sucking, refusing to answer him and he gasped as she twirled her tongue round the tip of his dick and sucked and sucked till with a gasp he began to cum in her mouth.  She swallowed every drop and then grabbing the JD took a long swig.

"Fuck, I love sucking your dick."

"I love you sucking my dick," he grinned. "What about Oliver?"

"What about him? You think I'd ever go back to that fucking nerd now?  I've changed baby, this is the new me and I like it."

Riley shivered.  Even he was starting to get a little scared by Gwen.  She was really... intense.

"You don't mind if I take Maria out for a spin do you?"

Maria - his bike... his pride and joy.  If anyone else had asked, he would have told them to fuck off - but there was some weird connection between the two women in his life.  He'd begun letting Gwen ride her on her own.  Whenever he let her, she came back even meaner, bitchier and sexier.  Now she spent more time in the saddle than he did and he had to admit it was kind of a turn on.

"Sure baby."

Gwen wasn't even listening to him.  The keys were in her hand and she was on her way out of the door. She slid onto Maria and revved the engine - and then she was gone.


Throb, throb, throb.

Gwen was one with the bike between her legs.  She was in a state of orgasmic bliss and yet at the same time tuned into every movement and angle of the road.  She and Maria were like one being - they were bonded perfectly and the more time they spent together the deeper the bond went.

I'm a fucking evil, biker bitch and I love it, snarled Gwen to herself.  I'm bad and it feels so fucking good.

A few months from now and she'd be running this gang.  Riley was easy to manipulate... she was the real power behind the throne now.

Wait... what am I doing?  I... I never used to be like this.

Gwen heard her old voice in her mind.  It was begging her, urging her to stop.  Her hands hesitated on the throttle, the bike began to slow.

Throb, throb, throb.

Grinding her crotch against the saddle, Gwen moaned in pleasure and began to gun the throttle.  

"Shut the fuck up old me... I'm a fucking bitch now and you LOVE it.  Feel Maria throbbing between our legs, feel the power.  You're gonna cum like a fucking slut and give control to ME forever!"

Gwen laughed as she heard her old voice screaming in her head.  Maria was leaping forward accelerating. The throbbing was getting stronger and stronger.  Her heart was racing, the number on the dial now well into the hundreds.  Horns blared and cars swerved as she raced down the highway.



She began to cum harder than she had ever done so in her life.


Riley heard Maria pull up outside and moments later Gwen walked in.  She looked even sexier and evil than she had when she'd left an hour before. In fact it was like she had finally reached her final form - there was not a trace of the girl he'd picked up a month ago from the front of the college.

Tossing her helmet to one side, Gwen unzipped her trousers and strutting towards him straddled him.  He grinned as she began to pump his cock to hardness again and slowly lowered her glistening tight wet pussy to his throbbing meat.

Throb, throb, throb.

Riley and Gwen's moans of pleasure filled the air and their bed began to squeak, as on the other side of town Oliver wept in his bed and the moonlight fell on the shadowy black form of Maria still purring and growling as she cooled.




  1. This is super hot - I can really feel Gwen becoming dirtier and tougher. I loved it!


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