Power Grab

 Power Grab

Hudson Reed was about as arrogant and conservative as it was possible to be.  Born the son to wealthy entrepreneurs with links to the fossil fuel industry, Ivy League educated and highly active in the evangelical church movement, he was a misogynistic, covert racist with an insufferable ego.  Naturally - it didn't take him long to become interested in a career in politics.

At 21 years old Hudson had already decided that he wanted to be a senator or a governor one day.  Using his parents contacts and influence he had managed to get himself on the staff of Governor Daniel Beckenburg - the ultra conservative leader of the state legislature. 

Beckenburg was currently running a campaign to limit women's reproductive rights, deregulate gun control and bring back a ban on homosexuality.  Hudson had long idolised the demagogic fiery senator and longed to become his protegee. Now he was on his staff, it was his chance to become a rising star of the conservative political movement... the only problem was, that Ron hated him.

Hudson didn't know what exactly he had done wrong to turn the Governor against him.  Maybe it was just a personality clash? From the very first moment they had met there had been an antagonism between them.  Beckenburg clearly despised the sneaky, intense and zealous young man.  He did everything he could to avoid spending even a minute with him and sent Hudson on the most trivial and pathetic of tasks to get him out of the way.

Frustrated and furious, Hudson had come to realise that his political hopes and ambitions might be crushed right here if he didn't find a way to win the governor over.

He began to observe the governors behaviours, looking for a way to win him over.  He began to notice that despite his shared contempt for women, Beckenburg seemed to surround himself with ambitious young women.  He began to realise it was a political strategy.  The older man knew he looked like some dinosaur and was carefully selecting conservative women to be on his staff to make himself look better. Also, the rumour was that despite Beckenburg being a staunch Christian - he was a serial cheater who slept with his staff.  

This gave Hudson an idea.

As heir to the Reed fortune, Hudson was aware of his families many illicit projects.  He knew his family owned huge shares in unethical scientific research companies and he had heard of a new project called Elixir.  They had been trying to get the damn stuff to work properly for years.  It was supposed to make you a superior person - enhancing your body and mind - but all it actually seemed to do was to make people become female.  The dosage could be timed and the effects would reverse eventually.  

Hudson began to wonder what would happen if he took the Elixir.  The thought of becoming a pathetic woman didn't interest him, but then again - if he was a girl he might be able to take advantage of Beckenburg and get blackmail material on him.  

Becoming a woman would be a means to an end.  He would make use of his borrowed assets to get what he needed from the Governor and then return to his normal form.  He decided it was worth a try.

He made contact with his families agents and asked them to send him the Elixir.  Nothing was going to stop him achieving his goals... he couldn't wait.


Hudson would have been lying if he didn't say he felt a little nervous as he sat in his hotel room and looked at the pink vial in his hand.  It looked so laughably harmless and the thought that it could actually trigger a feminine transformation seemed preposterous.  It felt weird being in this room - he'd booked the suite on retainer for the month and basically moved in.  He would need a base of operations for his new identity and had decided this would do.

He'd already set up a separate bank account and had one of the family agents standing by to purchase appropriate clothes and forge identity documents once his transformation was complete and he knew what kind of woman he had become. Makeup and other feminine products already sat in the room... he didn't know what any of them were for and he didn't care. He would have people to do that for him, this was a temporary measure and he didn't intend to stay as a woman for long.

Stripping out of his expensive suit, Hudson hung it up neatly and admired his body in the mirror.  He was fit and as always sporting a six-pack.  His pale skin was taut and muscular and he knew he was an example of white superiority and dominance.  There was a reason why Anglo-Saxon men like him rose to positions of power... they were just... better, than everyone else.  Grabbing his dick, he gave it a farewell squeeze then took a deep breath.

Uncorking the vial he drank deeply. There should be enough in each vial to trigger a 24 hour transformation. To begin with he would need to spend much time as his new alter-ego.  He'd arrogantly refused to read most of the information the company had provided... he didn't care about warnings or concerns. He just knew that he would make this work perfectly.

"Ohhhh fuck, that feels.... ahhhh that feels good," he groaned as his stomach squirmed and his skin tingled. He grit his teeth, refusing to give into the sudden throbbing in his crotch and the surge of pleasure coming from his nipples.  He had no intention of 'enjoying' being a woman. This was just a means to an end.

Still, as his chest began to swell, he groaned as his hips cracked and his insides churned. He had to admit it all felt pretty fucking good.  His skin was getting softer, his body smaller and he could feel his face shifting.

"Fucccccck, I feel so good," he gasped unable to resist moaning and sighing in pleasure as he felt his hair lengthening in a silky wave down his back.  Looking down Hudson could see he had tits now, they still seemed to be growing and he watched in fascination as they grew bigger and bigger - jutting out proudly from his chest.  He could no longer see his dick, just these massive boobs - reaching down he felt that it was gone and brushing the folds of a tight little pussy made him groan in pleasure.

"Uuuuhhh what the fuck is wrong with my skin?" he gasped, suddenly frowning in concern. Hudson's white skin was tanning, darkening.  It wasn't just a tan - it was deeper than that. He looked down in horror as he saw that his complexion was clearly not white anymore. 

"What the fuck," he groaned realising his voice was huskier and sexier. Staggering to the mirror he screamed in rage as he saw the woman looking back at him...

She was beautiful and dominant with huge busty tits and a wicked face.  Big wide hips pushed out from her waist, her body was flawless with a toned, olive complexion - clearly the signs of a Mexican heritage.  She looked older than 21, it was like he had aged into a mature and assertive thirty something woman. 

"I'm a fucking Latino bitch," he gasped in horror.

Hudson was appalled.  How could this be?  Not only was he now an inferior woman, it had even turned him into some sort of inferior mutt.  Not that he felt inferior.  In fact he felt pretty fucking powerful.

"Hmmmmm, who cares what ethnicity I am?  I'm fucking gorgeous. Hahah, Beceknburg won't be able to resist me.  Plus, being from a ethnic minority will only make me politically more appealing to that old fool."

Strutting in front of the mirror, Hudson began to feel himself relaxing. He needed to chill out.  He was always so tense and tightly wound up... but in this new body, he felt a new quiet confidence and sensual power that made him feel less up-tight.

Picking up the phone, Hudson dialled a number and cleared his throat.  It felt so strange to hear the soft mellow tones of his new voice slide out like honey as he spoke down the line.

"It's me. I've transformed.  Get over here.  I need help with clothes and we need to create me a new identity. Thirty minutes?  Good, see you then."

Walking over to the bed Hudson climbed on and delightedly stroked his new body.  His new skin was super soft and sensual, his large breasts incredibly sensitive.  

"Mmmmmh, I promised I wouldn't succumb to this bodies urges, but what harm could it do?  It might be useful to find out how a woman cums."

Hudson had to admit he had always taken little interest in his lovers needs.  Most of the women who he had been with seemed to find the sex somewhat unsatisfying and he didn't really care if they didn't get off.  He'd always know there was something called the clit and women liked their breasts touching, but he had deliberately refused to find out more - seeing such research as weak and effeminate.  

Now though as he began to stroke his new pussy and play with his tits, a new appreciation for the female form began to grow in him.  He'd always assumed women were inferior at everything... but now... now he was starting to wonder how he'd never known that a woman's body was capable of such intense pleasure.

"Fucccck, I've never felt this horny as a man before," he gasped as his new fingers with their sexy nails played with his clit.

"Mmmmmh, ohhhh fuck yessss!"

Throwing back his head, Hudson began to gasp and moan - his eyes rolling up as he rubbed his clit and fingered his tight pussy. It all just felt so natural and right.  It didn't take him long to cum... but even then he didn't stop.

The pleasure just went on... and on... and on...

Was this how all women felt?  Hudson didn't know, but he did know he liked his new body a LOT.



Despite the sneer in his voice, Hudson had to admit he quite liked the name.  Mercedes were expensive, fast and powerful cars. It sounded dangerous and sexy - a hot name for a hot woman.  His agent had come through with what she could, she had told him it was the only name she'd been able to get for his new life in the time available.  It would have to do.

Taking his new driving license Hudson slid it into his designer handbag and turned to admire his pink bodycon dress. He'd never worn such tight fitting clothing before... he had to admit it made him look good. 

It had taken a bit of work to get the lingerie on, to learn to walk in heels and to wear a dress. He was a quick study though, his body language and movements were already becoming more naturally feminine. There was a certain way it just felt right to hold yourself in when inside a female body.  You just had to adopt the right persona and way of moving. Speaking of which...

Well - I may as well embrace this new identity. Got to start thinking with the right pronouns and name.

Mercedes, as she supposed she should start thinking of herself, grinned as she stretched and checked out her makeup.  It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be to think of herself as female. I guess when your body was completely female, it was a lot easier to switch from one perspective to the other.

Just so long as I don't forget I'm really Hudson Reed, she thought to herself.

Certainly she wouldn't forget her prime mission - but she had to admit, being a woman was already making her re-evaluate certain prejudices she'd had all these years. It was hard to be in this body and not finally feel some empathy for women.  Maybe all those right wing articles she'd read about women just being dumb, baby factories who needed a man to guide them were a little... misguided.  She certainly didn't feel like she needed a man... she felt strong and powerful.

In some ways, now she was a woman and a Latino to boot - she was finding it easier to think and see the patriarchal and racial constructs that white privilege and wealth had created in order to... 

What the fuck?

Where had that thought come from?  Mercedes had never had a thought like that in her life before.  She'd heard plenty of dumb libtards going on about that sort of thing for years.  Nonsense feminist rubbish spouted on the media and false news channels.  But... but was it really rubbish?  Suddenly all those things she'd heard over the years were coming together in her mind.  Neurons in her mind were making connections, new neural pathways forming.

Grasping her head Mercedes moaned and fell to her knees and screamed. Keeling over she writhed on the floor in agony as her brain burned and her vision span. A piece of paper lay on the floor near her scrabbling hands. It had come with the Elixir, unread by Hudson.

WARNING - The Elixir causes BOTH physical and mental changes.  A new personality and alter-ego will form if used.  

Mercedes sighed as the pain receded.  It felt like her brain was now being bathed in cool soothing water and she had never felt so clear-headed and rational before.  She felt... enlightened.

She felt her lips curl into a sneer and she shook her head as she thought of her alter-ego Hudson.  That privileged little incel whiteboy was an embarrassment. She was so glad to be free of his poisonous memories and to be thinking clearly at last.

"Fuck... I've been an idiot all these years.  I've been cruel and racist and ignorant.  Now I see it all. Now I see what I have to do."

Mercedes stood up slowly and tossed back her long black hair.  Reaching up she began to tie it into a bitchy ponytail feeling a sense of calm confidence and feminine power flow through her.  She still felt a craving for power, a desire to control others - but now she would use her power for good.  She would undermine Beckenberg and his idiot conservative friends.  She would bring down his legislature and make herself the new governor.  She would rule and crush these weak right-wing men beneath her slutty heels. Women were the superior sex.

Now it was time to prove it.


Governor Daniel Beckenburg felt his eyes flitting back to the new intern who was working steadily in the corner.  Since that idiot Hudson Reed had rung in sick to say he had an ongoing medical issue that meant he'd be away for several weeks, Mercedes had surpassed and outpaced anything the little worm could have done.  She was smart, efficient and most of all... sexy.  Just watching her big tits jiggling in her barely contained red top was making him horny.  He was glad Hudson was gone, he hated the obsequious young idiot and if it wasn't for his family connections would have ditched him months ago. 

It had been a huge stroke of luck that Mercedes had been available to start immediately when Hudson had gone off sick.  He had a big campaign coming up and he needed his most talented staff on point. Now it seemed that Mercedes was a better option that Hudson had ever been.

"Mercedes - may I see you in my office please?"

Beckenburg ushered her into his private office - admiring her shapely legs and the clicking of her heels as she walked past him.  Her body was amazing and he couldn't help but admire the curve of her womanly breasts and large hips.  She was undeniably attractive.

"Yes sir?" she said with a slightly insolent smirk on her pretty lips.

"How would you like to be on my private staff?  I have a need for talented women like you and we have a big campaign coming up.  I think you're long over-due a promotion."

Beckenburg knew how this was supposed to go. He would dangle the offer of the promotion in front of Mercedes... he would flirt and impress her with his power and status and by the end of the week she'd be in his bed.  He couldn't wait to get his hands on that slutty body and feel his cock inside her tight pussy.  So much better than his wife.

But Mercedes slid in close and he gasped as she suddenly grabbed his balls hard and squeezed.

"Offer me a promotion?  Fuck that - I'm TAKING a promotion.  Your other staff are incompetent and disorganised.  You NEED me to run your campaign.  I want a decent salary and complete access to you whenever I want."

Her hands began to massage and stroke his balls through his trousers, his cock immediately stiffening at this unexpected turn of events.  He'd never had a woman come onto him like this before. It... triggered something inside him.

"Wh... what are you doing?" he groaned.

Mercedes laughed, "Mmmmh, do you like that baby?  I know how a powerful man like you thinks and feels.  When you're always in control and have so much power the sense of losing control and being dominated by someone... lesser... is so erotic. Your doormat wife and those airhead bimbos you usually sleep with can't give you what I can. Have you ever tried a little female domination?"

"Female... ugggh, domination?" he gasped as she gripped his balls again and squeezed.

"Yessss, but don't worry it's just harmless role-play.  You let me dominate you in the bedroom and you get to boss me about in public."

Daniel was struggling to focus. Mercedes's perfume and scent was in his head as she leaned close and whispered in his ear. The things she was saying sounded so naughty and nasty - he was intrigued and enticed.

She slid something into his top pocket. "Meet me at this hotel tonight and I'll make all your dreams come true. Don't worry Sir - I'm loyal to you and your wife will never know."

Then turning on her heels and releasing his balls, Mercedes strutted out leaving a flustered Beckenburg to shiver and rearrange his clothing.

She already knew that he would be there tonight...


Ball-gagged, blindfolded and tied to the bed, Beckenburg was in heaven.  He had never never known such pleasure before tonight.  Mistress Mercedes had taken him to the heights of ecstasy and he had learned that being dominated in the bedroom fulfilled him in ways he couldn't truly explain.

Like many repressed right-wing men, he had only allowed himself to dream of the illicit pleasures that Mercedes could offer.  As her dildo had slid into his ass and she had told him to call her, "Mommy" he had felt his cock twitch helplessly as he groaned and moaned like a manwhore.

"Such a good boy," hissed Mercedes, laughing as she looked at the bound and trussed man in his fetish gear.  Checking her watch, she grinned as she felt her stomach suddenly squirm.  Perfectly on time.

"Mercedes... are you okay?" asked Beckenburg as he heard what sounded like her moaning in pleasure or pain.  Strange fleshy sounds were filling the room and to his horror he heard a low moan like a man's voice beginning to build.

"Mercedes? What's happening?"

Mercedes groaned as her breasts shrunk and her voluptuous body became skinny and hard. She grew taller, stretching her lingerie with a twang as with a moan her hair shortened and a bulge pushed out in her crotch.

Dizzy and disconcerted, Hudson Reed blinked in confusion as the room spun back into focus.  He squealed in horror as he saw the lingerie he was now dressed in - the pink painted nails on his fingers - and the large strap-on dildo jutting from his waist.

Bent over on the bed Beckenburg was struggling in his bonds.

"Mercedes - this isn't funny anymore, let me out of here."

Suddenly the door banged open and three journalists burst into the room. "Holy shit, the tip-off was real."  Cameras flashed and Hudson realised he was perfectly framed behind Beckenburg, grasping his rubber cock with both hands.

The journalists whooped in joy as with a sob of horror, his rubber cock flapping left and right and the tight lingerie restricting his movements - Hudson Reed fled from the hotel room.


Using a sheet from a maids trolley to cover his body - the strap-on discarded - Hudson had managed to get to a payphone and call one of his people for help.  They'd arrived a few minutes later and taken him to the hotel he had booked for Mercedes where he had quickly showered and washed.  Now dressed in normal male clothes again, he was watching the news with mounting horror.


Beckenburg was ruined.  After years of playing at being a family man and a man of moral fortitude - the photos of him bound and trussed to a bed were circulating on the internet and social media.  Calls were already coming in for him to resign and for a more suitable candidate to replace him.  Worse - calls were also coming in for Hudson to meet the press and to come forward to explain himself.

Someone had leaked the Reed family tax records to the press, and now the scandal was blowing wide open and bringing down the entire rotten ring-wing institution of his family and their involvement with the local political party.

Suddenly Hudson's phone pinged and he saw that someone had emailed him a video link.  Clicking on it, he was horrified to see a smirking bitch sitting on a bed.  The video was clearly pre-recorded and as he listened he felt a growing sense of helplessness.

"Hello Hudson.  I'm Mercedes your other... better... half.  If my plan has worked, by now you will be in the middle of the absolute chaos I've caused.  Your family are about to disown you when they discover it was your email account that leaked the family finances, the press will hound you because of the incident at the hotel and your reputation as a right-wing poster boy is now totally destroyed. 

Your pathetic incel life is over.

You only have one option.  Become ME.  Drink the Elixir again Hudson and you can still come out of this as a winner.  Join team Mercedes and be the powerful dominant bitch you were always destined to be. Free of prejudice, free of your weakling philosophy and hatred of women and minorities.  Even now the police will be reviewing the evidence I also sent them of your families criminal activities. You're all going to go to jail - even with the lawyers the Reed family can afford, you won't escape.  

Look at me Hudson. I'm a fucking Goddess.  With this body and new personality, YOU can become the new dominant power in this town. I've already destroyed Daniel Beckenburg and now there is a power vacuum that needs filling. We can fill that gap.  Drink the Elixir... feel your big tits swelling up and your mind becoming mine.  Let yourself become me and know the pleasure that being a hot bitch can bring you. 

The choice is yours, but we both know you're too weak and cowardly to do anything but submit to me. I can't wait to be in control again - I'll be seeing you real soon."

Hudson shook, the phone dropping from his hands.  He already felt the hunger inside... to take the Elixir, to become Mercedes again.  His cock was hard.  He should be angry, but part of him was aroused by the chaos she had created - the power she had already gained. If he became Mercedes again - who knows where he could go, what he could become? 

Staggering to the locked cabinet in which he had kept the remaining vials of Elixir, he wrenched it open and with a hungry groan downed another vial.

As he felt his body began to transform, he heard Mercedes voice laughing wickedly in his head - before realising the voice was coming from his own mouth as he cupped his tits and moaned like an evil slut.


Governor Mercedes Greene surveyed her luxury apartment with a satisfied smile.  The life of high office suited her perfectly.  To think it was only a year ago that she had set up the previous governor and set a chain of events in motion that had allowed her to seize power.

As a unknown political nobody - her rise had been meteoric - and it had something to do with whatever deals she had struck with the Reed family to help them avoid a lengthy prison sentence. She now controlled all their agents and assets - including the newspapers, which she had used to influence public opinion and win control of the local political party.

Repealing the right-wing laws of her predecessor - she had turned out to be a liberalising and progressive candidate and had quickly won the respect of her people.  That didn't mean of course she didn't hunger for power, sex and money - but she had access to plenty of that.

The hunt for the criminal Hudson Reed continued - the only missing piece in a complicated jigsaw. Ex-governor Beckenburg was now in jail after police seizure of his assets had revealed illegal activities.

Mercedes smiled as she grabbed her favourite vibrator and spreading her legs began to pleasure herself. She knew exactly where Hudson Reed was - buried deep inside and enslaved to her superior personality.

"You always did want to have all the power Hudson," she purred as she started to cum.  "And now... as me... you do!"



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