Miss Match


Everyone has different tastes, but Ashley enjoyed her weekly morning read of 'Brat' magazine more than anything.

Her family were certainly rich enough to afford the subscription and she enjoyed immersing herself in the bitchy, ultra-feminine pages - even enjoying the free samples of makeup, false nails and perfume that sometimes came with it.

It was true that these days you could subscribe to things electronically, but nothing quite beat the feel of an expensive glossy magazine in your manicured hands.

Just reading it seemed to reinforce Ashley's spoiled bitchy nature. She always felt particularly hot, slutty and poweful after a read and it formed part of her extensive morning ritual.

Walking downstairs in her silk dressing gown with her hair tied up and a mug of expensive coffee in her hands she smirked as she passed a mirror and saw how beautiful she was.

Other girls would kill to look like her - especially those nerdy losers at school. She was truly gorgeous, stylish and beautiful - a true princess. Soft perfect blonde hair framed a beautiful face with plump lips and smouldering eyes. Two large firm breasts jutted proudly from her toned frame - every curve enhanced by exercises taught to her by Brat magazine.

"Fucking perfect," she laughed as she walked downstairs and bent over to pick up the post.

"Wait... what the fuck is this? A magazine had been delivered, but it wasn't the right one. She picked it up in disgust.

"Geek magazine. What the fuck is this?"


"Oh dear," thought Cordelia as she looked nervously at the bitchy magazine in her hands. She'd never heard of Brat magazine before, but it sounded perfectly horrid and the lurid image of the over dressed slut on the front and the headings like 'how to get men to obey you' and 'sugar-daddy up this season' didn't inspire her with confidence.

"There must be a mix up at the newsagents. I wanted my usual dose of Geek magazine, not this trash," she sighed in frustration.

Pushing her large glasses up her spotty face she shivered deeper into her baggy hoody and walked over to the sofa clutching an orange juice.

She had so been looking forward to immersing herself in geek culture before school - but now all she had was this... filth.

Disinterestedly, she began to flick through the pages and even though it was the most comtemptous drivel she had ever read - there was something kind of... compelling... about it.

Sliding into an armchair - imagining herself as some sort of cultrual anthropologist - she began to read to see what it was popular girls were truly interested in.



Looking up from the mobile game she was playing, Ashley cursed as she saw the time. Tossing Geek to one side she dashed upstairs, irritated at herself that she'd allowed the time to pass so frivously instead of doing her usual hair and makeup rituals.

Somehow she'd ended up reading the magazine and finding a section on mobile gaming had decided to try a few games. She'd never really used her mobile for games before and had soon been addicted - the games proving to be rather good.

With no time to prepare, Ashley was forced to put on minimal makeup. She looked massively under dressed and her hair was a mess - but there was no time to sort it.

Maybe no one would notice...


"Are you wearing makeup?" asked Jen in shock as Cordelia blushed heavily at her friends attention. "It looks... great."

Cordelia shrugged. "I umm found some makeup tips and thought I'd give it a try."

She had to admit - she'd impressed herself by using the makeup tips from the magazine she now carried in her bag. She didn't normally wear much, but following the simple advice really seemed to have helped.

Maybe there were some tips in the magazine worth reading?

She felt more assertive after reading the magazine... but there was also a strange hunger. She looked at Jen and felt a strange pang of... disappointment. Her eyes slid over to the popular girls. They looked so... cool. Why couldn't she have friends like that?

As she walked away her mind was full of strange new thoughts. At least Ashley looked terrible today - she mustn't have slept properly or something.


Biting down deep into her burger, Ashley made a satisfied sound as she muched. Geek magazine was open on the table and the article on the best burger joints in town had enticed her to try this.

She hadn't eaten a burger in years - she was usually a salad kind of girl, but after the shitty day she'd had - she felt an urge for some comfort and protein.

Her friends had caught her reading an article in her new magazine and had begun to tease her. They'd mocked her messy hair and lack of makeup and she'd stormed off in a mood with them.

Ditching her friends she had come here to get a super-size burger. Surely one wouldn't do any harm? She felt edgy and out of sorts. What was wrong with her?

She decided to read her magazine and try to relax. It was actually kind of interesting to read.

Suddenly she saw two nerds from school walk in. Jen and Violet. She nervously raised a hand and waved at them...


Cordelia felt a little foolish in her new work out clothes, but the makeup tips had worked... so why not the exercise too? Using her Mom's unused yoga mat - she began to work out, stretching her body in the ways the magazine had suggested.

She had meant to go to the newsagent yesterday to complain about the magazine mix-up, but had decided to wait.

The more she read Brat magazine the more... aspirational she was finding it. She understood now it wasn't some shallow empty magazine, it was actually about women taking control of their sexuality and using it.

She felt a flush of arousal at the thought of using her sexuality to get what she wanted. It would be kind of hot to bend men to her will like the girls in the magazine.

Not that she could ever look like them... could she?

As she worked out she groaned as her skin seemed to tighten and she felt her tummy suck in. Exercises couldn't work this fast... could they?


Pushing her new glasses up her nose - Ashley looked at herself in the mirror. She'd only had a couple of burgers... how had she put weight on so fast? One thing was for sure - her clothes didn't fit anymore. Not that she wanted to wear them. Heels and skirts were just so... uncomfortable. Maybe she should take them down to the charity shop?

No... hoodies were much more comfy. She adjusted her glasses again. She couldn't believe how bad her eyesight suddenly was and the headaches it was giving her. The lady in the optician had said her eyes must have been bad for some time, but she was sure she used to have perfect eyesight.

Maybe there was something about it in her magazine?


Excitedly routing through the bags of stylish clothing someone had miraculously dropped off at the charity shop - Cordelia marvelled at how toned and slim her body seemed to be after only a few days of exercises from the magazine.

She was nearly thin enough to fit into these clothes now. If only her tits were a little bigger...

She imagined having big rounded bitch tits that would get her noticed and her pussy got wet again. Maybe there was something in the magazine?

Taking care not to damage the pages with her brand new acrylic nails she flicked through the magazine and absorbed the bratty, bitchy advice inside till she found a section on exercises designed to increase your bust.

The more she read - the more it all made sense. Being beautiful and mean was every girls entitlement... and it was definitely her turn. She needed to have bigger boobs.

She realised she'd forgotten to put on her glasses again - but then again she hardly seemed to need them these days.

Standing up, she began to stretch and exercise.


Her greasy hair tied up in a pony tail - Ashley finished binging on the final episode of her new favourite TV show. Her eyes were weary - ringed from lack of sleep and her nails were bitten.

She'd put more weight on and it was weird but her tits seemed flatter and more flabby these days.

She looked at her clock. 1AM - well she still had hours of reading anime ahead of her. She barely slept these days and had a growing catalogue of worries and anxieties that only immersion into fan culture seemed to reduce.

It was days since she'd talked to Madison or Chloe. Her new friends were much nicer.

Unwrapping another bar of chocolate - she began to chew.


"Do I know you?"

Cordelia felt her lips curve into a sneer as Jen walked over and tried to talk to her. It was time to ditch this loser - she was really cramping her style.

It was her first day wearing her new clothes and she loved how they felt. These tight slutty clothes designed to show off her new superior body felt good.

She still remembered how good it had felt to do the bust exercises last night. It had almost felt like with every pump they were growing and swelling. They were now huge and magnificent - big fat D cups that hung from her chest and made her feel like a dominant bitch.

"Cordelia... what's happening to you? Those clothes... your tits... your hair... did you dye it blonde? I hardly recognise you anymore."

"Fuck off nerd," smirked Cordelia nastily. "Oh and don't call me Cordelia anymore. From now on it's Lia..."

Jen watched in shock as her former kind friend strode off - her booted feet click clacking as she went to join the popular girls and began to chat to them as if she had always been one of them.


Ash hid her gaze as she saw Lia and her gang of bitches striding down the corridor towards her. It was dangerous to make eye contact with the popular girls, especially this new bitch Lia.

Blonde and pretty with her hair in a braid - the newest Alpha bitch at the school was not to be trifled with. All the boys seemed to want her and she was a spoiled flirt.

Ash thought there was something familiar about the clothes this girl wore, the way she dressed - but it was kind of hard to remember. She was just a nerd after all - what would she know?

"Get out my fucking way loser," snarled Lia as she pushed Ash against a locker.

The collision caused a magazine to fall out of Lia's handbag.

Ash felt a twang ot recognition as she saw Brat magazine on the floor - but it passed as Lia snatched it up.

"That's not for a loser like you."

"You're right," whimpered Ash dreamily. "I could never be sexy and hot like you."

"That's right you fat, pathetic geek. Now get out of my fucking way."

With an imperious toss of her hair Lia walked out of the school.

Her new edition of Brat magazine was coming today and she couldn't fucking wait.


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