
Showing posts from July, 2024

Step Wife

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Unexpected Key Holder

 Unexpected Key Holder Your bully couldn't work out who to give the magic key to. He knew it would transform whoever wore it into an evil chastity loving bitch who would bully and enslave you, turning you into their weak and helpless simp. He thought about giving the key to your bookish sister. Watching her transform into a mean popular girl would be fun. Those tiny tits would swell up, her wardrobe would become hotter - her attitude meaner. He might even get his big dick sucked as she fucked him and laughed at you. He considered letting your Mom wear the key. She would become a dominant busty MILF eager to punish her weakling son and take charge of the house. Dressed in leather and latex she'd enslave your Dad too... making a house of cucks and simps. Maybe he'd give the key to your crush? The sweet girl next door would look pretty good with his big dick between her fat tits as you squirmed in your cage and she trained you to be her sissy butt slave. In the end his procras

Popularity Vampire

 Popularity Vampire "I'm sorry baby... but my ex-boyfriend turned me into a popularity vampire after you and I hooked up. He was mad that I would ditch him for someone so low-status, so he cursed me to become a slave to a burning need for clout. The curse corrupted my body and I woke up with an insatiable hunger to hang around with spoiled bimbos and feed on their bitchy energy. I now suck up and feed on popularity, sexiness and bitchy behaviour and the more I drain the sexier I become. I didn't want to become this sex-goddess, but the hunger was too much. The more I hung around plastic fake brats, the more delicious their energy tasted and the more my need to feed grew. The more I fed on my new popular friends the more I became like them... only SUPERIOR to them. My tits got bigger and more plastic than theirs, my wardrobe more expensive, my pussy tighter and my attitude bitchier. I have become a fucking horny popular bimbo that everyone wants to fuck. I'm back with m


 Resistance So... how do I look? It wasn't easy getting into my evil step-mom's skin - in fact it took me nearly an hour to squeeze inside her bitchy body. I think she was still trying to resist me getting inside her - the skin ray gun may have turned her into an empty wearable skin, but she didn't give in without a fight. I had to push and fight my way into every inch of her body, squeeze my cock into her pussy, pull her tits up hard against my chest - force my face into hers. It's mmmmh been so difficult with her fighting me like this, but so fucking worth it. Her body... MY body feels amazing now. Looking out through her eyes, feeling her tits on my chest - I'm in heaven. Don't I look good loser? Yes! I've earned this fucking skin, I deserve this life. Mmmmmh it feels good just to let the skin take control and let her memories and feelings flow through me. That's it... wipe away my old memories, make me into Step-Mommy. I love how this feels. I'm

Step Mistress

 Step Mistress Hello Step-Daddy. I've transformed again. I know you already knew that I would. As soon as I heard that Mommy was going away with friends this weekend, we both knew it was time for another session with Mistress Red. I found the magic wig where I keep it hidden in my room and let it transform me from your demure step-child into the dominant wicked bitch you see before you. How many times have you searched for the wig daddy? What would you even do if you found it? Destroy it or wear it? It doesn't matter because the power is mine slave. Now I'm a latex Queen and you are my obedient slave. You'll spend the whole weekend worshipping me and serving my every need. When Mommy gets back I'll remove the wig and no one will ever realise what we did. I can see the devotion and desire growing in you Daddy. You long to serve Mistress Red, to wear a ballgag and cage your cock. You want Mistress Red to fuck you in the ass don't you? Mmmmmh well don't worry m

Bully Me Big Boy

 Bully Me Big Boy Hello Jason. Please - help yourself to a glass of champagne and make yourself comfortable. We're alone in the house. My husband is away on business and my son is locked in his room after I grounded him. Mmmmh, you like what you see? Take a good look honey. You like my big breasts and my perfect body? Not bad for a thirty-six year old. I've kept myself in shape over the years. I bet none of the girls at school have tits this big or a body this delicious. Of course - I don't wear this lingerie just for anyone. Even my husband doesn't get to see me in this outfit. It really makes me look like a slut doesn't it? Mmmmmh, you like it don't you? Come closer and tell me. Were you surprised by my invitation tonight? You've been bullying my son for years now, perhaps you thought that I would hate you? Maybe you thought this was a trap? Well I'm glad I sent you those pictures of myself naked on the bed. I knew you'd want to see more. Did you

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