Popularity Vampire

 Popularity Vampire

"I'm sorry baby... but my ex-boyfriend turned me into a popularity vampire after you and I hooked up. He was mad that I would ditch him for someone so low-status, so he cursed me to become a slave to a burning need for clout.

The curse corrupted my body and I woke up with an insatiable hunger to hang around with spoiled bimbos and feed on their bitchy energy. I now suck up and feed on popularity, sexiness and bitchy behaviour and the more I drain the sexier I become.

I didn't want to become this sex-goddess, but the hunger was too much. The more I hung around plastic fake brats, the more delicious their energy tasted and the more my need to feed grew.

The more I fed on my new popular friends the more I became like them... only SUPERIOR to them. My tits got bigger and more plastic than theirs, my wardrobe more expensive, my pussy tighter and my attitude bitchier.

I have become a fucking horny popular bimbo that everyone wants to fuck.

I'm back with my ex now loser - his big dick is what I crave and he gave me this beautiful gift.

Now if you'll excuse me I have more popularity to feed on."


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