Erin shivered in fear as she watched the door of the pink Humvee slide open and with a clop of designer high heeled boots, her best-friend Chloe dropped to the floor of the carpark.

Chloe had changed. She was taller and thinner now, her body crushed into a tight white corset and her once short hair now long and blonde around her smooth perfect shoulders.

Chloe's once innocent face was now prettier - but with a mean bitchy expression as she eyed Erin dismissively. Long acrylic nails shot from her fingertips and she was surrounded by a cloud of Chanel perfume.

Chloe's once flat chest now bulged with Alpha girl tits - growing larger by the day as she continued her evil transformation into the biggest bully at school.

"Oh hey loser," she purred in a sexy voice, "I came for old times sake - but after this you and me are fucking done. I don't need you anymore."

That much was true.

Since Chloe's bitchy step-mom had bought the pink Humvee and insisted Chloe drive it to school - everything had changed.

As soon as her hands had closed around the wheel of the car for the first time, Chloe had become more confident. She was soon hooked on riding in the pink vehicle and her wicked transformation had begun.

In a tank like this, Chloe found she could bully other cars off the road. She began to enjoy the power and attention driving the vehicle gave her. She'd moan as she pushed down the accelerator and felt the vibrations of the car throb through her body.

Hair lengthened, tits grew, bones stretched and the more she drove her new humvee the bitchier she got.

Within days Chloe had ditched her loser friends and was now one of the popular girls. She'd give them lifts in her pink car - giggling as she became more and more like them with every moment.

Soon Chloe had become their leader. The trips in the car almost seem to have brainwashed them into thinking Chloe had always been the Alpha girl.

"Chloe - please. I know it must feel good to be so pretty and popular, but this isn't the real you. You have to break free of the humvees control. It's turned you into a fucking bitch."

Chloe laughed, wiping a fake tear from her perfect cold blue eyes. "Ohhh boo hooo hoooo. I have to break free from being brainwashed... by my car? You really are a fucking loser freak. Even if what you were saying was true... you think I'd give up this power?"

Erin shook her head. "No I guess not. Which is why I have a backup plan."

With a sudden movement, Erin shoved Chloe hard and the other girl gasped as she flew into a concrete pillar hard. Her car keys flew from her fingers and she slid down the pillar winded and disorientated.

Snatching the keys, Erin leapt into the Humvee and quickly engaged the locks.

Standing up in a cold rage, Chloe's lips twisted into a sneer of contempt. "You fucking dweeb - you can't even drive."

Erin's heart raced. It was true, she'd not got her license yet. She had a wild plan of starting the humvee, crashing and destroying it in the carpark. Perhaps that would free her friend.

The interior of the vehicle smelt of expensive perfume and hot girl. Erin put her hands on the wheel. They felt... good... there.

She groaned as her short fingernails lengthened into a hot pink manicure. At the same time her head filled with knowledge and like she had done it a thousand times before, she switched on the ignition.

"No! NO!" screamed Chloe who was looking at her hands in horror. Her sexy nails were gone. "Stop that... you don't know how to drive. That's MY vehicle."

Chlor banged the doors - but they were sealed and the thick armour plating and reinforced glass could not be breached.

Inside the car Erin put the Humvee into drive and she groaned as the vehicle throbbed and growled like a hungry predator.

She felt so fucking powerful sat up here and she looked down at Chloe with contempt as she pushed her foot down onto the accelerator and felt the pink humvee leap forward.

Grabbing the wheel Erin whooped in delight, her eyes shining, as she spun the humvee round the carpark with a screech of tires. Vibrations pulsed up through the seat making her pussy throb and she groaned as she threw back her head and felt her bones crack.

Falling to the floor Chloe groaned and sobbed as her blonde hair began to shorten and her big tits started to shrink. Her body grew shorter... plumper as the power of the humvee flowed into Erin and left her weak and bereft of power.

Meanwhile in the car Erin moaned as her hair turned blonde and her pretty pink lips curved into a wicked smile as she felt tight pink leather flow around her body and make her into a spoiled fucking bitch.

She jammed her six inch pink heels harder onto the accelerator and with a final twist of the wheel pulled up in front of the sobbing, weeping Chloe.

Mmmmh it felt so good to be a bitch. Her shaven pussy was dripping wet and she was already excited about the thought of driving to her boyfriends to get railed. Or maybe she'd fuck his best-friend some more?

Erin was now a popular, spoiled bitch. Everything Chloe had done had now transfered to her. She was the popular bitch now and the car was hers. There was even a license with her name on it inside her pink handbag.

Dropping out of HER car and locking the door - Erin giggled as she loomed over the little loser nerd in front of her.

"Oh like... mmmmh guess this is like MY Humvee now and I'm the Alpha girl. Oh and if you ever try to come near me and my car again, I'll fucking reverse it over you? Got it loser?"

Leaving her threat hanging in the air Erin relaxed back into the driving seat and drove out of the garage to start her new spoiled life...



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