Next Level Chastity

 Next Level Chastity

The psychologist had warned them not to wear each others clothes after the swap. He had told them to avoid even looking at themselves in their new bodies till a way could be found for the swap to be reversed.

"The more you see and visualise yourself in your new body, the more your mind will change and adapt. You must wear your old clothes and at all costs avoid ANY sexual activity. If the mental patterns lock, we may never be able to reverse the swap."

It was easier said than done.

The swap had been unexpected... a military experiment gone wrong at the nearby airbase, causing popular and pretty Rachel Grey and dorky Daniel Harland to somehow swap bodies.

The military were supporting each family and the rules were clear - but Daniel couldn't resist trying on some of Rachel's clothes. She was the most popular girl at school and owned so many pretty things. It seemed a shame not to try them on and experience how they felt.

He might never get a chance to wear her makeup, do her hair, feel her lingerie again. He loved how soft her body felt. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he secretly spent hours staring into the mirror - gazing into those perfect brown eyes and touching himself.

Biting his plump pouty lips, he would stroke his pussy and fondle his breasts - crying out in Rachel's sexy voice as he orgasmed hard.

It felt so good to be rich, spoiled and popular. The attention was intoxicating. Everyone wanted to be his friend, everyone admired and desired him.

No one knew about the swap - the military wanted to keep it secret. It made it so easy to impersonate Rachel... to BE her in everyday life.

Meanwhile Rachel hated her new body - except for one thing. She couldn't stop masturbsting. It disgusted her to jerk off over girls, but her body seemed to only respond to female images and she needed the release so bad.

It was the only thing that could make her feel good now she was stuck as this loser. She knew she wasn't supposed to look - but she couldn't stop spending hours staring in the mirror and hating her new body.

Daniel's clothes felt more comfortable - she felt full of self loathing otherwise. The more she wore them, the more natural it seemed. She began to find other enjoyments... playing computer games, reading anime, going to the movies.

But still a swap back seemed possible. Then one day they bumped into each other...

They were both breaking the rules - they were both out in public pretending to be each other. Daniel was dressed in one of Rachel's most stunning blue dresses and heels.

Meanwhile Rachel was in a hoody and on her way to see a movie with one of Daniel's friends.

"What are you doing?" gasped Rachel in shock.

"Nevermind what I'M doing," laughed Daniel as he tossed back his perfect hair and walked intimidatingly close. "I can see you're adapting to being a nerd as much as I am loving becoming a bitch."

"What?" gasped Rachel.

"Haha - I gave up on that dumb pyschologist advice weeks ago. I've been trying to become more like you. I want this life and you're going to give it to me."

"N... no... that's my body," stammered Rachel.

"Not anymore," purred Daniel. "I'm Rachel now and you're Daniel."

Stepping close Rachel gasped as Daniel's manicured hands slid into his pants. "Noooo what are you doing?"

"Just giving you a helping hand. You know that when you cum, you'll forget all about the old you. Just let it happen... give up."

Rachel tried to hold on - she tried to remember who she really was - but it seemed crazy that she had ever really been this Goddess in a blue dress. As she cummed her pants she admitted to herself that she must be Daniel.

The new Rachel smiled as she saw the change in the dork before her. "Good boy. Now let's go tell the scientists that the swap seems to have naturally reversed and we are back to normal."

As they walked away together, both caught their reflections in a shop window. She was a Princess and he was a peasant.

Rachel giggled. "You must be crazy to think you were ever me..."


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